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By which routes does humanitarian aid arrive to Gaza?

What are the main routes by which Humanitarian aid arrives to Gaza? Who is taking care of transportation (gouvernements, non-government organizations, private contractors)? What proportion of the aid ...
Morisco's user avatar
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Why are Israeli activists/vigilantes who are blocking aid from reaching Gaza not being stopped by police?

According to the BBC, Israeli activists/vigilantes (as worded in the article) are attacking aid lorries, questioning and attacking unrelated road users, clashing with pro-aid activists, and operating ...
Ahmed Tawfik's user avatar
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How is the international community compensating for the May, 2024 Egyptian withdrawal of cooperation regarding aid to Gaza?

An Egyptian official has been quoted by the WSJ (on May 14) saying that as long as Israeli forces remain at Rafah crossing, Egypt will not send a single truck to Rafah. And apparently those were not ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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What is the state of domestic Israeli opposition to the - alleged - Israeli interference to aid supply in Gaza?

We've recently - March 2024 - seen numerous Western government leaders, normally pro-Israel, express alarm at the food situation in Gaza. The World Bank (no, not one of those mistrusted-by-Israel UN ...
Italian Philosophers 4 Monica's user avatar
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Why has the U.S. airdrop of supplies to Gaza been criticized as hypocritical?

On March 2 2024 the U.S. Central Command stated that it had begun airdropping living supplies to the Gaza Strip. On March 3, some people criticized the matter on social media and claimed that these ...
Jack_here's user avatar
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How much food aid for Gaza was ran though UNRWA vs other organizations, and what has been the impact on food aid of the UNRWA funding suspension?

There have been some doomsday reports that Gaza food aid might be severely impacted as a result of UNRWA funding suspension. E.g.: Philippe Lazzarini, said Saturday the organization’s program inside ...
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