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Questions tagged [donald-trump]

Donald Trump served as the 45th president of the United States of America from 2017 to 2021. Use for questions specific to Donald Trump or his policies. Use with the United States tag.

150 votes
9 answers

Why is President Trump making such a big deal about fake news, and specifically targeting reputable organizations like The New York Times and CNN?

The Trump administration has been targeting reputable news organizations like The Times and CNN, calling them "fake news". What is this administration trying to accomplish here?
harsimranb's user avatar
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145 votes
1 answer

Why is the Trump Administration often labeled as anti-science?

Is there any evidence that Trump and his administration are anti-science? And since when has the equation been drawn between conservatism and anti-science sentiment? Allegations (from, for example, ...
Dylan Czenski's user avatar
142 votes
11 answers

How did Trump's January 6 speech call for insurrection and violence?

I just read a transcript of Trump's January 6 speech. It's mostly about election fraud and people that betrayed or supported him. This could cause people to become angry, but is hardly an incitement ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
129 votes
14 answers

Why were pre-election polls and forecast models inconsistent with the election of Donald Trump?

As it's obvious now, pre-election polling and forecast models were inconsistent with the vote count in this election cycle as not many predicted a Trump victory. Is there any particular reason why ...
Panda's user avatar
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116 votes
9 answers

Why is Trump dubbing COVID-19 as the "Chinese virus" considered offensive, while many past epidemics have had similar naming schemes?

To preface this, I'm not a supporter of Trump, but I disagree with the way some major media outlets have criticized him over his nickname for COVID-19, the "Chinese virus". In addition, it is not ...
yuritsuki's user avatar
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107 votes
15 answers

What is the point of impeaching Trump?

By attempting to impeach Trump, Democrats will accomplish either of two things. They will succeed in removing him from office. Mike Pence takes over. A career politician, well liked by conservatives, ...
grego's user avatar
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92 votes
5 answers

Is President Trump right that there was violence on "both sides" in Charlottesville?

Today, President Trump claimed that there was violence on "both sides," and that alt-left and alt-right both shared blame in the incidents at Charlottesville, Virginia. Is this factually accurate? I'm ...
tpm900's user avatar
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89 votes
14 answers

Why do some people take issue with kneeling during the anthem in US?

These days the heated disagreement between President Trump and NFL players is all over the online media. What's wrong with Kneeling and why does he want them not to kneel and why do they still do it? ...
Hanky Panky's user avatar
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89 votes
6 answers

Why was Trump winning the 2016 election, when I know so few people who admit to voting for him?

I am a well educated Republican, of generally conservative views. Pretty much every day I see and hear people talk about how poor of a candidate Donald Trump is. But he's winning primary after primary,...
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar
86 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to block an elected President from entering office?

Given the recent results on the national election at the US, I have seen several protests here at Berkeley and the Oakland area. I am wondering whether there exists any legal option to prevent him ...
urpi's user avatar
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85 votes
3 answers

What does it actually mean for the Republicans to have lost the House of Representatives?

As a non-US person, (German) radio told me the Democrats would now be able to force Trump to publish his tax return and prevent him from funding his wall. That's probably a nice little "haha" for us ...
DonQuiKong's user avatar
77 votes
6 answers

How much influence has Donald Trump had on current efforts to improve relations with North Korea?

Recently it has been reported that: Kim Jong-un has pledged a "new history" in relations with his neighbour as he became the first North Korean leader to set foot in South Korea since the end of the ...
Tom Bowen's user avatar
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76 votes
8 answers

Why does Donald Trump wield influence over Republican Congressmen & Senators?

Given that Donald Trump lost the recent Presidential election, why is it that congressmen continue to visit Mar-A-Lago? In what way is Donald Trump a power broker? What is it that congressmen seek ...
gatorback's user avatar
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76 votes
5 answers

Is it true that "Trump did not have a serious opportunity to offer his side of the story" in the House impeachment proceedings?

I was just reading the editorial Trump Should Be Removed from Office in Christianity Today, and I was struck by this quote (emphasis mine): Let’s grant this to the president: The Democrats have had ...
Peter Kagey's user avatar
74 votes
7 answers

What are Trump's incentives for withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement?

Donald Trump has been a pretty strong advocate for repealing and undoing rules & regulations aiming to cut climate change, however recently the New York Times and Axios have reported that Trump is ...
Downgoat's user avatar
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69 votes
6 answers

What is the rationale behind Angela Merkel's criticism of Donald Trump's ban on Twitter?

According to CNBC, Angela Merkel (via her chief spokesman) criticized Donald Trump's ban on Twitter. “The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance,” Steffen Seibert, Merkel’s chief ...
Alexei's user avatar
  • 53.4k
69 votes
19 answers

Why does the US not just accept North Korea's nuclear ambitions and attempt to mend relationships?

Many experts propose that it is not practically possible (without engaging in war and endangering the lives of many civilians, in both US and ally territory) to prevent North Korea from building ...
Jaood's user avatar
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69 votes
6 answers

Why was President Trump heavily criticized for congratulating Putin on winning the election?

According to The Guardian, President Trump was subject to criticism over his decision to congratulate President Putin on winning Russian elections in 2018: Donald Trump defended himself against ...
Alexei's user avatar
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67 votes
8 answers

Why is Trump releasing (or not) his tax returns such a big deal?

Why is it such a big deal that President Trump has not released his tax returns? Also, why would he make such a big deal about not releasing them, given that this just makes everyone more interested?...
Burt's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

Have any other US presidents used that tiny table?

I think by now, everyone has seen the pictures of Trump sitting at a tiny table bearing the presidential seal: I am tempted to ask many things, like who thought that would be a good idea. But my ...
Mawg's user avatar
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61 votes
10 answers

Why has Donald Trump's popularity remained so stable over a rather long period of time?

According to, Donald Trump's popularity seems to be rather constant over time, in contrast to his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush who suffered a popularity erosion ...
Alexei's user avatar
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61 votes
6 answers

What reasons may Donald Trump have had for firing FBI Director James Comey?

What were the reasons behind Donald Trump deciding to fire FBI Director James Comey? If anything, Trump should have been happy with him, since he held that press conference about re-opening the ...
dan-klasson's user avatar
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61 votes
2 answers

Has a world leader been laughed at while addressing the UN General Assembly before?

Donald Trump was reportedly laughed at by delegates while addressing the United Nations General Assembly: In one of the more remarkable moments in the history of the annual UN summit, the chamber ...
yannis's user avatar
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58 votes
15 answers

Why is Trump's omission of an explicit mention of Jews from the holocaust memorial a big deal?

So, I'm not a fan of President Trump, but I feel like it's a not a big deal when Trump didn't explicitly mention the Jews in his holocaust memorial. Per his statement, he didn't make light of it or ...
Sidney's user avatar
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56 votes
5 answers

Are there polls why Germans dislike Trump so much and consider him so dangerous?

From Pew surveys, Trump seems quite unpopular in (continental) Europe; in 2019 he seems to poll lowest in Germany even among that group: Also, a more recent (dpa) poll focused on Germans' opinions: ...
time takes its toll's user avatar
56 votes
2 answers

Could Donald Trump reverse Chelsea Manning's commutation?

As Barack Obama delivered the commutation to Chelsea Manning's 35 year sentence down to 7, would President-elect Donald Trump have the ability to reverse that when he becomes President?
Bradley Wilson's user avatar
55 votes
9 answers

Why won't Donald Trump do something about "fake news"?

Donald Trump continues to smash fake news on rallies and speeches, meanwhile news (whether fake or not, you can decide yourself) are slamming the president with one story after another. I personally ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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55 votes
2 answers

Why is it a problem for Trump Jr to have met with Russians?

My understanding is that Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer intending to get information damaging to Hillary Clinton from said lawyer. Campaigning politicians always gather damaging information about ...
dev_willis's user avatar
53 votes
12 answers

Why hasn't the US political system taken recourse against Trump for his politically motivated firings?

The answers to this question - What reasons may Donald Trump have had for firing FBI Director James Comey? - appear to suggest that there is widespread certainty that the sacking was politically ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

Can Trump undo the UN climate change agreement (Paris Agreement)?

Trump has just won the elections. Can he somehow stop the US from participating in the UN COP21 climate change agreement (which was already signed formally by the US)? Also I've read here that To ...
THelper's user avatar
  • 609
52 votes
7 answers

Has Trump ever explained why he, as incumbent President, is unable to stop the alleged electoral fraud?

Per title. This criticism is the one levelled by Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - that the incumbent president ought to be able to stop electoral fraud if it's there. Off the top of my ...
Allure's user avatar
  • 36.1k
47 votes
10 answers

Why has Speaker Pelosi been so hesitant to impeach President Trump?

I am curious as to why Nancy Pelosi (until 9/24/2019 17:00 EDT) seemed to be so reluctant to push for Donald Trump's impeachment. It seems that the Democratic Party is becoming increasingly outraged ...
Time4Tea's user avatar
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46 votes
12 answers

Why aren't Republicans more focused on mobilizing a movement towards 'dethroning' Trump?

This is not a question about the ideological implications of supporting or not supporting Trump. It is merely a question about the rational behavior (or lack thereof) of a political party when faced ...
Jaood's user avatar
  • 621
46 votes
10 answers

Why do Republicans want to break up Facebook?

Republicans are generally against government meddling in business. Yet many Republicans are threatening to break up Facebook after the decision to ban Trump as seen here, here, here, or here. If the ...
Nabil Farhan's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

Can a US president have someone sent to prison?

In an interview at the White House recently, Donald Trump is quoted threatening a journalist with prison time by saying: "You can go to prison instead," Is the president of the United States ...
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
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46 votes
6 answers

Why can't Donald Trump revoke birthright citizenship?

Recently, there has been a huge debate about revoking birthright citizenship from children born in the US to illegal alien immigrants. I read here that almost all left and right wings of the US ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
46 votes
5 answers

What exactly is "collusion"? What is Robert Mueller expected to prove?

It seems to me that what most people typically mean when they say "Trump colluded with Russia to win the election" is, quite simply, that Trump, or his campaign, knowingly met with some key people ...
KAli's user avatar
  • 477
45 votes
8 answers

What benefit does the USA gain when it withdraws from WHO?

According to the Financial Times, Donald Trump has threatened to quit the World Health Organization (WHO). Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw from the World Health Organization unless it ...
Rahn's user avatar
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45 votes
8 answers

What could Trump hope to gain from a *second* Georgia "recount"?

Trump campaign asks for another Georgia recount I understand that Georgia law required an audit, and that it although they counted all votes again it was not a recount. Given that Campaign-requested ...
Mawg's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

Has Trump publicly stated during what period he believed the USA to be great?

Perhaps the most known slogan by the Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016 is Make America great again. Has he made any public statement exactly what period in history he considered that the ...
gerrit's user avatar
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42 votes
5 answers

Why might the Russians want Trump to win?

The American CIA reportedly believes that the Russians, in the form of the Russian government and possibly private actors, went to signficant length (psych / cyber ops) to help Trump win. Having said ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

Where does Trump's authority to cut funding to WHO come from, if Congress controls spending?

I always thought that Congress controlled US government spending; the so called "power of the purse". However, on April 14th, Trump gave a press conference during which he signalled that he would ...
CuriousAboutPolitics's user avatar
41 votes
4 answers

Is the Republican party obligated to renominate Trump for Presidency in 2020?

Presuming Donald Trump wants to become nominated for a second time, is the Republican party obligated to let him do so? Or can they put forward alternative candidates that would potentially defeat ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
  • 51.4k
41 votes
5 answers

Trump was behind on November 5th. Why was he calling for vote counting to stop?

This CNN article, and others, reported that Trump asked for vote counting to stop, and threatening legal action to do so. I can (sort of) understand calls for a recount, but, if he was behind, what ...
Mawg's user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

Who pays for President Trump's impeachment defence?

Who pays for President Trump's impeachment defence? Is it the US state or does President Trump need to pay for his own defence?
Kev's user avatar
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39 votes
9 answers

In what way would invoking martial law have helped Trump overturn the 2020 election?

In the late 2020 news, it was said that then still-president Trump could have invoked martial law in order to help him overturn the 2020 election (CNN, Business Insider) Flynn had suggested earlier ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
  • 595
38 votes
4 answers

How are steel imports supposed to threaten US national security?

I am reading this article. Therein it is stated that: Under national security grounds (Section 232), Trump applied tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminium in March 2018, covering $ 10.2 bn ...
Ludi's user avatar
  • 461
36 votes
5 answers

If Russia hacked the 2016 election, how or why can we proceed with inaugurating Trump?

Simple question, but it's been bugging me for quite some time. If we know for a fact that Russians interfered with the 2016 US presidential election, why can we proceed with inaugurating Trump, ...
user avatar
36 votes
13 answers

Why do Americans consider Biden to be too old for president, but not Trump?

A number of polls show that Americans by and large consider Joe Biden to be too old to be president. For example, an Associated Press poll asked Do you think each of the following is too old to ...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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36 votes
5 answers

What is the purpose of polls published by the organization that they are asking about which have leading/confusing questions?

My understanding of polling is that it is done to gauge public perception and opinion of political actors and policies in order to further shape a candidate's actions. In order to do that, one would ...
Sidney's user avatar
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