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One advantage may also very well beAside from the correct accepted answer, an additional benefit is to minimize the influence of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition from December 2022. And bring in more experienced war leaders. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

Every Israeli war is fought watching the clock, as international condemnation grows and eventually America qualifies its support. In 1973 America urged a ceasefire ending the Yom Kippur War despite Israeli forces being on the advance. In 2006, it imposed a ceasefire before Israel could achieve its objectives in Lebanon.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Economist - Netanyahu wages war and fights for his own survival

A new emergency cabinet brings military experience, but not necessarily restraint

As a former defence minister and commander of Israel’s armed forces, Mr Gantz will give heft to a government that has few ministers with experience of this kind of conflict.

This inner cabinet, which will make the main decisions related to the war, does not include any of the far-right ministers that Mr Netanyahu brought into his coalition to form his government last year.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich - Minister of Finance

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir - Minister of National Security

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.

One advantage may also very well be to minimize the influence of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition from December 2022. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

Every Israeli war is fought watching the clock, as international condemnation grows and eventually America qualifies its support. In 1973 America urged a ceasefire ending the Yom Kippur War despite Israeli forces being on the advance. In 2006, it imposed a ceasefire before Israel could achieve its objectives in Lebanon.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.

Aside from the correct accepted answer, an additional benefit is to minimize the influence of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition from December 2022. And bring in more experienced war leaders. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

Every Israeli war is fought watching the clock, as international condemnation grows and eventually America qualifies its support. In 1973 America urged a ceasefire ending the Yom Kippur War despite Israeli forces being on the advance. In 2006, it imposed a ceasefire before Israel could achieve its objectives in Lebanon.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Economist - Netanyahu wages war and fights for his own survival

A new emergency cabinet brings military experience, but not necessarily restraint

As a former defence minister and commander of Israel’s armed forces, Mr Gantz will give heft to a government that has few ministers with experience of this kind of conflict.

This inner cabinet, which will make the main decisions related to the war, does not include any of the far-right ministers that Mr Netanyahu brought into his coalition to form his government last year.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich - Minister of Finance

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir - Minister of National Security

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.

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One advantage may also very well be to get ridminimize the influence of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition from December 2022. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

Every Israeli war is fought watching the clock, as international condemnation grows and eventually America qualifies its support. In 1973 America urged a ceasefire ending the Yom Kippur War despite Israeli forces being on the advance. In 2006, it imposed a ceasefire before Israel could achieve its objectives in Lebanon.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.

One advantage may also very well be to get rid of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.

One advantage may also very well be to minimize the influence of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition from December 2022. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

Every Israeli war is fought watching the clock, as international condemnation grows and eventually America qualifies its support. In 1973 America urged a ceasefire ending the Yom Kippur War despite Israeli forces being on the advance. In 2006, it imposed a ceasefire before Israel could achieve its objectives in Lebanon.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.

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One advantage may also very well be to get rid of some of the more whacko right-wing members of Bibi's cobbled-together coalition. Israel will have enough problems taking out Hamas as it is, before international pressure mounts to pull back, like it happened in Lebanon in 2006. Without inflaming international opinion even more by having Jewish supremacists * managing the war.

I.e. Israel needs to manage the war competently, minimize international opposition and prosecute suppressing Hamas, quite likely during a ground invasion, without being "disowned" too soon by an overly embarrassed United States. That's easier to do with grown ups running the show.

Gantz's entry into government sidelines far right, with judicial overhaul's future dim - The Times of Israel

Critically for Gantz, it also sidelines far-right Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit.

Both are members of the security cabinet, but will now seemingly have little direct influence over the conduct of the war. Gantz was eager to achieve this goal both so that he could be sure the war would be managed responsibly and also because of their political toxicity to Gantz’s moderate, center-right electorate.

* Bezalel Smotrich

Smotrich's extremist politics and often racist and homophobic statements have led to several controversies.[4] He is a supporter of expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, opposes Palestinian statehood, and denies the existence of the Palestinian people.[4]

*Ben Gvir

His ultranationalist Jewish Power party has called for the expulsion of “disloyal” Palestinians, the annexation of the West Bank — the land Palestinians envision as part of their future state — and for “revenge” against anyone who stands in its way. Until last year, it was a fringe movement, repeatedly failing to muster enough votes to enter the Knesset.