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Aug 11, 2023 at 3:30 comment added Mozibur Ullah @Obie 2.0: As you can see I've already noted what you had to say before you bit prematurely. As for Jews returning to their homeland not being an issue - it was very definitely an issue in Mandatory Palestine. Their were revolts in Palestine culminating in a massive revolt 1936-39 where British army and officers killed 2,000 Palestinians. I expect the Palestinians distrusted British & Zionist intentions and they were right to do so as future events show.
Aug 11, 2023 at 3:06 comment added Mozibur Ullah @Obie2.0: As for the founders of Zionism desire to live in Palestine close to the Jewish holy sites, they could so as plenty of Jews did so. But there wasn't a mass rush of Jews to Palestine - they had lived in Europe for long enough to become Europeans - hell, Israel competes in Eurovision - and not chance a new life in the Middle East.
Aug 11, 2023 at 3:02 comment added Obie 2.0 Fine, I'll bite: no one needed to pay for the crimes of Nazi Germany in order for there to be a Jewish homeland, even one in Israel, you know. There were already Jews living in Palestine, and it would have been quite possible for more Jews to come and for the end of British Mandate Palestine to have resulted in a peaceful plurinational state—though it could not have been (should not have been) solely Jewish. That was not what happened. To be clear: Jews desiring to return to their ancestors' historic homeland was not the issue, Jews expelling and killing non-Jewish Arab Palestinians was.
Aug 11, 2023 at 2:59 comment added Mozibur Ullah @obie 2.0: Finally, the Jewish people weren't sauntering into a terra nullus, this was the home of people who have been living there for millenia. To push for a return for one, two or three himdred years after they were brutally dispersed by the Roman Empire makes some political sense, to say so after two thpusand years makes very little sense - unless you're backed up by two super-powers.
Aug 11, 2023 at 2:55 comment added Mozibur Ullah @Obie 2.0: Whats wrong with the idea of establishing the Jewish state of Israel in land taken from Germany? And armed militarily whilst Germany is demilitarised? And this doesn't address the principle of justice that the perpetrator of a crime pays. The Palestinians were completely innocent of the Holocaust - why should they pay for the crimes of Nazi Germany?
Aug 11, 2023 at 2:45 comment added Mozibur Ullah @Obie2.0: Berlin, I read a couple of years ago, had one of the highest growths of jewish population increase. And a defeated Nazi Germany is not Nazi Germany any longer. Plus there are historical & contemporary comparisons where such possibilitors have happened: the USA, after the civil war and the emancipation of the slaves, post-aparthied South Africa, and Rwanda after the brutal genocide of the Tutsi's by the Hutus.
Aug 10, 2023 at 21:18 comment added Obie 2.0 There are a lot of things one could deservedly blame Israel for: the Nakba, the nation-state law, the settlements, the blockade, the annexations, and many more. As I have mentioned before, the founders' desire to live in the historical Jewish Holy Land, as opposed to a ghetto among the people who had just wiped out almost all their compatriots, is not one of them. I don't think you would want to live surrounded by literal Nazis.
Aug 10, 2023 at 14:07 history answered Mozibur Ullah CC BY-SA 4.0