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China may have used the maneuvers to exercise attacking Taiwan and gain some more first hand experience there. But they also showed that short of invading Taiwan there is probably nothing they can do to convince Taiwanians that they are the good guys here. It shows their lack of other options.

The US has shown that they stand by Taiwan (to dinnersome extent) but have China given a pretense to flex their muscles. Next time, when China is maybemay really wantingwant to invade Taiwan, the US should be better prepared and be cautious to not give China too many such cheap excuses.

China may have used the maneuvers to exercise attacking Taiwan and gain some more first hand experience there. But they also showed that short of invading Taiwan there is probably nothing they can do to convince Taiwanians that they are the good guys here. It shows their lack of other options.

The US has shown that they stand by Taiwan (to dinner extent) but have China given a pretense to flex their muscles. Next time, when China is maybe really wanting to invade Taiwan, the US should be better prepared and be cautious to not give China too many such cheap excuses.

China may have used the maneuvers to exercise attacking Taiwan and gain some more first hand experience there. But they also showed that short of invading Taiwan there is probably nothing they can do to convince Taiwanians that they are the good guys here. It shows their lack of other options.

The US has shown that they stand by Taiwan (to some extent) but have China given a pretense to flex their muscles. Next time, when China may really want to invade Taiwan, the US should be better prepared and be cautious to not give China too many such cheap excuses.

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China may have used the maneuvers to exercise attacking Taiwan and gain some more first hand experience there. But they also showed that short of invading Taiwan there is probably nothing they can do to convince Taiwanians that they are the good guys here. It shows their lack of other options.

The US has shown that they stand by Taiwan (to dinner extent) but have China given a pretense to flex their muscles. Next time, when China is maybe really wanting to invade Taiwan, the US should be better prepared and be cautious to not give China too many such cheap excuses.