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Would Taiwan and China's dispute be solved if Taiwan gave up being the Republic of China?

A recent ABC article quotes National Taiwan University political scientist Shimin Chen as saying

"If Taiwan's diplomatic relations reach single digits or even zero, it represents that the international community does not recognise Republic of China, and the result may not be what Beijing wants," he told the ABC. "Taiwan may give up the 'Republic of China' name and the Constitution of the Republic of China, and then what will happen? A 'Republic of Taiwan' or some other name? Probably not what Beijing wants to get."

This raised a relatively simple idea I've never heard floated before: Taiwan, officially the "Republic of China" could change its name. This is essentially the solution taken between Greece and the former Republic of Macedonia, now North Macedonia. Has the People's Republic of China ever given any indication that their longtime dispute with Taiwan would be solved if Taiwan changed its official name and its constitution?