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Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessorspredecessor's policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders position are much easier to explain. They believe that Iran honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.

Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessors policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders position are much easier to explain. They believe that honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.

Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessor's policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders position are much easier to explain. They believe that Iran honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.

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Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessors policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders position are much easier to explain. They believe that honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.

Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessors policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders are much easier to explain. They believe that honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.

Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessors policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders position are much easier to explain. They believe that honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.

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Donald Trump has shown an enormous amount of, if hate isn't the right word, dislike for almost all of his predecessors policies. He has reversed everything from the Paris Agreement to Obamacare to the Cuba policy.

Especially when it comes to Palestine and Israel the current and former administration has taken diametrically opposite stances. Obama did not veto a UN resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank. Trump did move the US embassy to Jersualem, half of which the EU consider part of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Given that Trump has strongly aligned himself against Obama's policies and in favor of Israel's interests, it makes perfect sense for him to cancel the Iran nuclear deal. When it was signed in 2015, it was strongly opposed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who claimed it "would threaten the survival of Israel."

The EU leaders are much easier to explain. They believe that honored the deal and are not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore the deal should be kept. Donald Trump has also angered the EU by imposing tariffs on goods produced in the union. The US-EU relations were already pretty bad and likely aren't made that much worse by the EU not following the US lead on the Iran nuclear deal.