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I think US have a big reason to break the deal:

There are also some problems for US with this escalation:

  • If military escalation takes place, oil prices will just fly up, because Persian gull and especially Ormuzian strait are critical for oil transferring.
  • Also, that won't be so easy as Iraq invasion. Iran forces are MUCH more powerful, they now have russian modern surface-to-air systems (S-300).

While EU is on the opposite position:

  • they don't want to lose contracts further (for example, despite of the fact of the deal, US some time ago blocks selling pack of Airbus A-350 from EU to Iran), and
  • they don't want to lose money on oil prices rushing up.
  • Many French(and other EU) companies have oil concessions in Iran, this is also the money which EU don't want to lose.

In fact, this is a very dangerous step for the US. But US is losing the international influence - it is fact, for now. Even Trump himself claims it: "We are tired of being a world policeman". So US need a big bang to show all, that they still have some force.

I think US have a big reason to break the deal:

There are also some problems for US with this escalation:

  • If military escalation takes place, oil prices will just fly up, because Persian gull and especially Ormuzian strait are critical for oil transferring.
  • Also, that won't be so easy as Iraq invasion. Iran forces are MUCH more powerful, they now have russian modern surface-to-air systems (S-300).

While EU is on the opposite position:

  • they don't want to lose contracts further (for example, despite of the fact of the deal, US some time ago blocks selling pack of Airbus A-350 from EU to Iran), and
  • they don't want to lose money on oil prices rushing up.
  • Many French(and other EU) companies have oil concessions in Iran, this is also the money which EU don't want to lose.

In fact, this is a very dangerous step for the US. But US is losing the international influence - it is fact, for now. Even Trump himself claims it: "We are tired of being a world policeman". So US need a big bang to show all, that they still have some force.

I think US have a big reason to break the deal:

  • Iran is for now the main and the most powerful US and Israel regional opponent in the middle-east. Benjamin Netanyahu last speech about Iran and its nuclear problem just additionally claimed it.

  • For now Iran is finishing pro-Shia area, starting at Syria and finishing on itself. It is unacceptable for Israel and US, they are trying to prevent it. War with Islamists is near it's end, so escalation is necessary, right now.

There are also some problems for US with this escalation:

  • If military escalation takes place, oil prices will just fly up, because Persian gull and especially Ormuzian strait are critical for oil transferring.
  • Also, that won't be so easy as Iraq invasion. Iran forces are MUCH more powerful, they now have russian modern surface-to-air systems (S-300).

While EU is on the opposite position:

  • they don't want to lose contracts further (for example, despite of the fact of the deal, US some time ago blocks selling pack of Airbus A-350 from EU to Iran), and
  • they don't want to lose money on oil prices rushing up.
  • Many French(and other EU) companies have oil concessions in Iran, this is also the money which EU don't want to lose.

In fact, this is a very dangerous step for the US. But US is losing the international influence - it is fact, for now. Even Trump himself claims it: "We are tired of being a world policeman". So US need a big bang to show all, that they still have some force.

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I think US have a big reason to break the deal:

There are also some problems for US with this escalation:

  • If military escalation takes place, oil prices will just fly up, because Persian gull and especially Ormuzian strait are critical for oil transferring.
  • Also, that won't be so easy as Iraq invasion. Iran forces are MUCH more powerful, they now have russian modern surface-to-air systems (S-300).

While EU is on the opposite position:

  • they don't want to lose contracts further (for example, despite of the fact of the deal, US some time ago blocks selling pack of Airbus A-350 from EU to Iran), and
  • they don't want to lose money on oil prices rushing up.
  • Many French(and other EU) companies have oil concessions in Iran, this is also the money which EU don't want to lose.

In fact, this is a very dangerous step for the US. But US is losing the international influence - it is fact, for now. Even Trump himself claims it: "We are tired of being a world policeman". So US need a big bang to show all, that they still have some force.