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***EDIT ------------------------------ ***

Ok this is clearly wrong. Everyone is getting an equal payout even though 3 of them lost. All they are getting out is what they bet put a tiny bit extra from the folded player. I now think the algorithm should do the following:

Player 4 wins. Paid 6 units. Takes upto 6 units from every player (including folded players)
Player 3 wins. Takes remaining 1 unit from all players including folded players
Player 1 and 2 split the rest..

This gives a result of:

Player 4 gets own Player 1's first 6, Player 2's first 6 ... All of Player 5's 5...
Total winnings for Player 4 is 29 units.

Player 3 gets to take winnings next. He contributed 2 units more than Player 3. So he takes 2 unit from everyone who has a unit still left in their pot.
Total winnings for Player 3 is 6 units.

Player 1 and Player 2 equally share the remainder giving them 2 units back each.

Is this correct?

***EDIT ------------------------------ ***

Ok this is clearly wrong. Everyone is getting an equal payout even though 3 of them lost. All they are getting out is what they bet put a tiny bit extra from the folded player. I now think the algorithm should do the following:

Player 4 wins. Paid 6 units. Takes upto 6 units from every player (including folded players)
Player 3 wins. Takes remaining 1 unit from all players including folded players
Player 1 and 2 split the rest..

This gives a result of:

Player 4 gets own Player 1's first 6, Player 2's first 6 ... All of Player 5's 5...
Total winnings for Player 4 is 29 units.

Player 3 gets to take winnings next. He contributed 2 units more than Player 3. So he takes 2 unit from everyone who has a unit still left in their pot.
Total winnings for Player 3 is 6 units.

Player 1 and Player 2 equally share the remainder giving them 2 units back each.

Is this correct?

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Complex split pot semantics for multiple All-In winners with differing amounts

I'm writing a Poker Server piece of software and well, I want it to be accurate...

Basically I want to know what the correct way to deal with this following situation is:

[ second round of betting. everyone has already contributed 5 units to the pot ]
Player 1 raises the minimum bet to amount X (say 5 units)
Player 2 calls amount X (calls 5 units)
Player 3 has only a fraction of X. He calls All-in at this point and pays his remaining 3 units.
Player 4 has only a fraction of X. He also calls All-in at this point and pays his remaining 1 unit.
Player 5 folds.

The pot at this point contains 5 * 5 from the first round of betting plus 5 + 5 + 3 + 1 units making a total potential winnings of 39 units.

Player 4 goes on to win.
Player 3 comes second.
Player 1 and 2 comes third, with their best five cards all coming from the table.

How do I calculate how much money is spread out and who gets it? Is the following assertion correct or is this inaccurate and how?

Step 1: We rank the players by their cards if they are still in. So we get:

Player 4 (winner)
Player 3 (winner of remaining money)
Player 1 (split of remaining)
Player 2 (split of remaining)

Step 2: We scan that list in order to find the biggest contributions and create a ratio.

Player 4 (6 units total)
Player 3 (8 units total)
Player 1 (10 units total)
Player 2 (10 units total)
-- Pot contains 39 units
-- Winners have contributed 34 units

Step 3: Question. Is the ratio against the total pot... or the other winners? Is this correct? Get a ratio compared to others?

Player 4 gets contributed 6 units of 34 by other winners = eligible 17.647% of pot
Player 3 gets contributed 8 units of 34 by other winners = eligible 23.529% of pot
Player 1 gets contributed 10 units of 34 by other winners = eligible 29.412% of pot
Player 2 gets contributed 10 units of 34 by other winners = eligible 29.412% of pot
[ total adds up to 100% ]

If we do it based on the total pot... not on total contributions by winners we get:

Player 4 gets contributed 6 units of 39 of total pot = eligible 15.385% of pot
Player 3 gets contributed 8 units of 39 of total pot = eligible 20.513% of pot
Player 1 gets contributed 10 units of 39 of total pot = eligible 25.641% of pot
Player 2 gets contributed 10 units of 39 of total pot = eligible 25.641% of pot
[ total adds up to 87.18% ... so this is the wrong answer right? ]

So to continue with the first method... of calculating a ratio only between other winners can someone confirm the correct payout of the 39 units would be:

Player 4 gets 6.88 units back `((39 units * 17.647) / 100)` ?
Player 3 gets 9.17 units back `((39 units * 23.529) / 100)`
Player 1 gets 11.47 units back `((39 units * 29.412) / 100)`
Player 2 gets 11.47 units back `((39 units * 29.412) / 100)`
[ total pay out of 39 units = 39 units ]

So my question is, Is this split pot formula accurate?