Surfshark: Secure VPN service

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Protect yourself with Surfshark, a secure & fast VPN app! Try out all its features, including Alternative ID & Number, Antivirus, Ad-blocker, & Alert!

Mobile data, home or public Wi-Fi — our VPN will always protect your connection. And no need to stop at just a VPN — get Surfshark One to secure your devices from malware and get notified of any data leaks.

Independently audited by Deloitte, Surfshark VPN ensures enhanced privacy. It offers high-quality infrastructure, including 3200+ servers with speeds of up to 10Gbps in over 100 countries.

We offer a free 7-day trial to test out the power of our VPN. Explore all our app has to offer before committing!

✔️ Get a new online identity with Alternative ID:
Generate a brand-new online profile: get an alternative email address, name, and more. Keep your true identity under wraps when registering for websites or newsletters. Now available to all subscribers!

✔️ Access content safely:
Safely access your favorite shows and social media with a VPN. Thanks to a vast choice of servers, you don’t need to compromise security to maintain a high-speed connection.

✔️ Connect & secure the whole household:
No need to count the devices! With a single subscription, you'll get unlimited, simultaneous connections. Connect & protect all devices with our VPN without compromising connection speed!

✔️ Safeguard your data & privacy online:
Your ISP can collect data on your online activity at all times. With a VPN and its end-to-end encryption, they cannot see what you do online or throttle your connection.

✔️ Surf the internet waves with blazing speeds:
Surfshark offers 3200+ servers in over 100+ countries. For lag-free browsing, connect to the server closest to you and enjoy a fast and private VPN connection.

✔️ Keep your data private:
Surfshark doesn't track or collect your personal information, online activity data, or whereabouts. Use our secure VPN connection and keep what you do online private.

✔️ Stay safe even on public Wi-Fi:
Hackers target public Wi-Fi users for banking details and other data. Keep your information safe and hidden with a VPN.

✔️ Get rid of ads with Ad blocker
Websites collect info about you & display ads based on your online habits. The Surfshark app stops those annoying ads & trackers and protects you from malware attacks.

The Surfshark VPN app — full of top-notch security features:
🥷 Alternative ID — protect your identity, reduce the number of spam emails, and prevent your info from falling into the wrong hands.
🌍 Global Network of VPN servers — choose from 3200+ VPN servers in over 100+ countries.
🛡 Antivirus — shield your Android device from viruses, malware, and other daily threats.
👥 24/7 customer service — get help anytime via live chat, email, or social media. You can also check our blog and Help Center.
Alert — get notified if your email addresses, credit cards, or personal ID appears in breached online databases.
🚨 Kill Switch — if your VPN connection drops, your identiy will not be leaked.
⛔ CleanWeb 2.0 — block ads, trackers, malware, and phishing attempts.
🍪 Cookie pop-up blocker — avoid the annoying cookie consent requests.
🐇 Dynamic MultiHop — connect via two different servers simultaneously.
🔄 Bypasser — allow specific apps & websites to bypass the VPN.
⏸️ Pause VPN — pause your VPN connection for selected time

Check our privacy policy right here:

If you have any questions, contact us directly at or via live chat.
4. júl. 2024


Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Engum gögnum deilt með þriðju aðilum
Nánar um yfirlýsingar þróunaraðila um deilingu gagna
Þetta forrit kann að safna þessum gagnagerðum
Persónuupplýsingar, Forritavirkni og 2 í viðbót
Gögn eru dulkóðuð í flutningum
Þú getur beðið um að gögnum sé eytt
Óháð öryggisyfirferð

Einkunnir og umsagnir

102 þ. umsagnir
Gústav Gústavsson
18. júní 2024
It randomly puts on japan???
Var þetta gagnlegt?
Surfshark B.V.
18. júní 2024
Hi Gústav, we're sorry to hear that you're having issues with the location selection on our app. We would need more details to find a solution for your specific situation. Could you reach out to our tech support at or via live chats on our site?
12. maí 2023
Alot of websites and services have blacklisted Surfshark ip addresses
Var þetta gagnlegt?
Surfshark B.V.
14. maí 2023
Hello! I'm sorry to hear about the issues that you are facing. Could you reach out to us at and explain your connection issues in more detail? Our Customer Success Agents will gladly take a look at your issue!
flag of the year
13. október 2022
@казахстан🇰🇿угрожает нам⚠️бом:казахстан🇰🇿угрожает нам⚠️бомбежкой казахстан🇰🇿угрожает нам⚠️бомбежкой казахстан🇰🇿угрожает нам⚠️бомбежкой
Var þetta gagnlegt?


This release includes Alternative Number improvements and a few minor bug fixes to better your Surfshark experience.