CCleaner – Phone Cleaner

Inniheldur auglýsingarInnkaup í forriti
2,73 m. umsagnir
100 m.+
Ekkert aldurstakmark

Um þetta forrit

Clean up your phone storage with CCleaner for Android!

Brought to you from the makers of the world’s most popular PC and Mac cleaning software, CCleaner for Android is the ultimate Android cleaner. Quickly and easily remove junk, reclaim space, monitor your system and more, and truly master your device.

Clean, Remove, and Master
• Remove unnecessary files and clean junk safely
• Clean files, download folders, browser history, clipboard content, leftover data and more

Reclaim Storage Space
• Analyze valuable storage space
• Quickly and easily uninstall multiple unwanted applications
• Clear junk, such as obsolete and residual files

Analyze Applications’ Impact
• Determine the impact of individual apps on your device
• Check which apps consume your data
• Find apps draining your battery
• Discover unused apps with App Manager

Clean your photo library
• Find and remove similar, old, and poor quality (too bright, dark, or unfocused) photos
• Reduce file sizes with Low, Moderate, High, and Aggressive file compression, and move originals into cloud storage
• Delete photos from private chats

Monitor your System
• Check the usage of your CPU
• Analyze your RAM and internal storage space
• Check out your battery levels and temperature

Easy to Use
• Clean your Android in just a few clicks
• Simple, intuitive user interface which is easy to navigate
• Choose the color theme you like most

Disclaimer: Certain automatic profiles are automatically triggered based on your device's location, which requires access to location data we'll be using in the background. We'll ask for permission to access this data before using it.

This app uses Accessibility permission to assist disabled and other users stop all background apps with just one tap.
2. júl. 2024


Öryggi hefst með skilningi á því hvernig þróunaraðilar safna og deila gögnunum þínum. Persónuvernd gagna og öryggisráðstafanir geta verið breytilegar miðað við notkun, svæði og aldur notandans. Þetta eru upplýsingar frá þróunaraðilanum og viðkomandi kann að uppfæra þær með tímanum.
Þetta forrit kann að deila þessum gagnagerðum með þriðju aðilum.
Staðsetning, Forritavirkni og 2 í viðbót
Þetta forrit kann að safna þessum gagnagerðum
Staðsetning, Persónuupplýsingar og 3 í viðbót
Gögn eru dulkóðuð í flutningum
Þú getur beðið um að gögnum sé eytt

Einkunnir og umsagnir

2,48 m. umsagnir
Kristinn B Marinósson
20. desember 2023
Cool Program end Fine
Var þetta gagnlegt?
Elva Rún Rökkurdísardóttir
6. desember 2021
Tilþrifamikið 🙂
1 aðila fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
Var þetta gagnlegt?
Helgi Adalsteinsson
12. nóvember 2021
2 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
Var þetta gagnlegt?


We are always working to maintain this app in tip top shape and improve its functionalities. To learn details about the most important recent changes, please open the app and navigate to "What's new" screen. It can be directly accessed from the main menu. Thank you for using our app!