Cosmic fireworks!

Cosmic fireworks!

Time for an astro-thought experiment. You belong to a super-advanced civilization with the ability to shape the cosmos as you wish. You can move around black holes, stars, planets, comets and moons (like the builders of the ultimate planetary systems). What would your civilization plan for big celebrations? What are their ‘fireworks’? What astronomical phenomena…

Cohorts of stars orbiting black holes (with planets, moons, and eclipses!)

Cohorts of stars orbiting black holes (with planets, moons, and eclipses!)

This post starts off with some world-building, jumps into eclipses and moons’ orbits, and finishes with a brand new Kalgash system that Isaac Asimov would be proud of (dropped into darkness every 2000 years!). More than one planet can share the same orbit around a star. This is not big news: the concept of Trojan…

Second chance planets: Iceball worlds that thaw out when their stars go red giant

Second chance planets: Iceball worlds that thaw out when their stars go red giant

A while back I wrote a series of posts called How planets die. It was about all the ways planets can be sterilized or destroyed.  I even made a “planetary death scale”.  Gruesome stuff. Let’s liven things up with a new mini-series on Second-Chance Planets. These are planets that get a second chance at life. …

The Million Earth Solar System

The Million Earth Solar System

Welcome to what might very well be the culmination of the Building the Ultimate Solar System series. Teaser: the system built in this post could also be called the Ultimate Engineered Black Hole Eyeball Ringworld Solar System (if you’re really not into the whole brevity thing). Our Solar System has one habitable planet. A few…

The Black Hole Solar System

The Black Hole Solar System

Planets are kind of my thing.  But black holes are awesome too. I mean, they can just suck you right in…  (I will never apologize for my bad jokes!) I want to bring black holes and planets together.  In this post, I’ll first introduce black holes.  Then we’ll build the Black Hole Solar System. In…

Real-life Sci-Fi world 11: Kalgash, a planet in permanent daytime (from Asimov’s Nightfall)

Real-life Sci-Fi world 11: Kalgash, a planet in permanent daytime (from Asimov’s Nightfall)

Isaac Asimov‘s sci-fi stories are one reason I wanted to become an astronomer (I talked about this in a recent interview). So I’m a little sad to shoot down a classic…. Nightfall is a classic Asimov story (and later, novel). The residents of a planet called Kalgash live in system of six stars that leaves…

Building the ultimate Solar System part 4: two ninja moves — moons and co-orbital planets

Building the ultimate Solar System part 4: two ninja moves — moons and co-orbital planets

We are building the ultimate Solar System.    In Part 1 we chose the right star.  In Part 2 we chose the right planets. In Part 3 we chose the right orbits for the planets. Today’s job: Discovering two ninja moves that will allow us to pack way more worlds in the habitable zone. The…

Building the ultimate Solar System part 2: choosing the right planets

Building the ultimate Solar System part 2: choosing the right planets

We are building the ultimate Solar System.    In Part 1 we chose the right star. Today’s job: choosing the right planets to put in our ultimate Solar System.  Let’s stick to two defining characteristics: a planet’s size (or mass) and its composition. We want Goldilocks-ish planets.  They shouldn’t be too small, too big, too…

Build a better Solar System

Build a better Solar System

[UPDATE: a new series on building the ultimate Solar System starts here] The Solar System is a disappointment.  It does contain an inhabited planet with forests and oceans and frisbees and beer (Earth). But it only has one.  There are a couple worlds with some potential, but they are pretty disappointing too.  Jupiter’s moons Europa…