Second chance planets: Iceball worlds that thaw out when their stars go red giant

Second chance planets: Iceball worlds that thaw out when their stars go red giant

A while back I wrote a series of posts called How planets die. It was about all the ways planets can be sterilized or destroyed.  I even made a “planetary death scale”.  Gruesome stuff. Let’s liven things up with a new mini-series on Second-Chance Planets. These are planets that get a second chance at life. …

The Million Earth Solar System

The Million Earth Solar System

Welcome to what might very well be the culmination of the Building the Ultimate Solar System series. Teaser: the system built in this post could also be called the Ultimate Engineered Black Hole Eyeball Ringworld Solar System (if you’re really not into the whole brevity thing). Our Solar System has one habitable planet. A few…

The Black Hole Solar System

The Black Hole Solar System

Planets are kind of my thing.  But black holes are awesome too. I mean, they can just suck you right in…  (I will never apologize for my bad jokes!) I want to bring black holes and planets together.  In this post, I’ll first introduce black holes.  Then we’ll build the Black Hole Solar System. In…

Ode to 7 orbs

Ode to 7 orbs

Wake up now people, I’ve got some big news! You won’t want to miss this. You don’t want to snooze. We just found some planets while we were stargazing Gather ’round, listen up. These ones are amazing! And it’s not just one new planet. There are seven! All orbiting one star up there in the…

No livable planets without life

No livable planets without life

Life is caught in a chicken-and-egg situation. For life to exist on a planet, the planet must of course have the right conditions for life. The planet must be habitable. But a planet’s habitability depends in large part on whether it already has life. It’s a lot easier for a planet with life to be habitable. So a planet needs life to be able to host life….

The colors of other worlds

The colors of other worlds

Carl Sagan famously called Earth the “pale blue dot”. Viewed from a large distance, that is what our complex, vibrant, living planet looks like. In the search for life around other stars, we should be looking for other pale blue dots, right? Maybe not. There is some reason to think that not all habitable planets…

Is the Solar System special?

Is the Solar System special?

There are at least three aspects of the Solar System that are weird or at least unusual: No hot super-Earths.  About half of stars contain a planet larger than Earth interior to Venus’ orbit.  We don’t have one.  That puts us in the minority. Jupiter.  Only about 15% of Sun-lilke stars appear to have gas…

Real-life sci-fi world #6: Pandora (from the movie Avatar), the habitable moon of a gas giant planet

Real-life sci-fi world #6: Pandora (from the movie Avatar), the habitable moon of a gas giant planet

Welcome to Real-life Sci-fi worlds.  I use science to explore life-bearing worlds that are the settings for science fiction stories.  Up today: can the moon of a gas giant planet — like Pandora from the movie Avatar — really be habitable? Pandora is one of the coolest-ever settings for a science fiction story.  The life-bearing…

Real-life sci-fi world #4: Earth around a brown dwarf

Real-life sci-fi world #4: Earth around a brown dwarf

Welcome to Real-life Sci-fi worlds.  We are using science to explore life-bearing worlds that are the settings for science fiction stories.  Up today: an Earth-like planet orbiting a brown dwarf. Setting Planets have been found orbiting all kinds of stars.  Stars like the Sun.  Stars brighter and fainter than the Sun.  Giant stars.  Planets have…

Real-life sci-fi worlds #3: the oscillating Earth

Real-life sci-fi worlds #3: the oscillating Earth

Welcome to Real-life Sci-fi worlds.  We are using science to explore life-bearing worlds that are the settings for science fiction stories.  Up today: the oscillating Earth. Setting Earth’s orbit is not fixed.  Gravitational kicks from the other planets change the shape of Earth’s orbit.  Earth’s orbit oscillates between being perfectly circular (having an “eccentricity” of…

Giraffes and planets

Giraffes and planets

Giraffes are covered in patches.  The patches are brown and the space in between the patches is white.  Everyone knows this. Here is something you probably didn’t know: you can see those patches in infrared light.  In simple terms, infrared light measures heat (at least at the temperatures we are used to in everyday life). …

Building the ultimate Solar System part 4: two ninja moves — moons and co-orbital planets

Building the ultimate Solar System part 4: two ninja moves — moons and co-orbital planets

We are building the ultimate Solar System.    In Part 1 we chose the right star.  In Part 2 we chose the right planets. In Part 3 we chose the right orbits for the planets. Today’s job: Discovering two ninja moves that will allow us to pack way more worlds in the habitable zone. The…

Building the ultimate Solar System part 2: choosing the right planets

Building the ultimate Solar System part 2: choosing the right planets

We are building the ultimate Solar System.    In Part 1 we chose the right star. Today’s job: choosing the right planets to put in our ultimate Solar System.  Let’s stick to two defining characteristics: a planet’s size (or mass) and its composition. We want Goldilocks-ish planets.  They shouldn’t be too small, too big, too…

Another planet in Kepler-186?

Another planet in Kepler-186?

That spanking new planet’s already a star. K-186 f, you know who you are. You’re making us wonder if we’re all alone. The planet out there in the habitable zone. I’ve been on the radio.  Been on TV. Talking ‘bout the planet. Just what can we see? Just what do we know about this special…

Three more planetary stooges

We’ve discussed some classes of planet that are pretty strange: hot super-Earths, hot Jupiters and eccentric gas giants.  But that was just the warm-up.  In this post we’ll check out three more extra-weird ones. First up: Tatoine planets.  In case you are less nerdy than you should be, Tatooine is where Luke came from in…

The habitable zone, part 1

[This post is co-written by Franck Selsis] Where should we look for extra-solar life?  In a star’s habitable zone of course!  Any planet in that magical Goldilocks zone must host life, right? Well, not exactly.  The habitable zone should really be called the liquid water zone.  A planet with the right characteristics that orbits its…

The Grand Tack

The Grand Tack

One of the most exciting recent things that I’ve worked on recently — with colleagues in France and the US — is a new model for how the Solar System formed that we call the Grand Tack. “Why do we need a new model for how the Solar System formed?”, you might ask. “What was…

Build a better Solar System

Build a better Solar System

[UPDATE: a new series on building the ultimate Solar System starts here] The Solar System is a disappointment.  It does contain an inhabited planet with forests and oceans and frisbees and beer (Earth). But it only has one.  There are a couple worlds with some potential, but they are pretty disappointing too.  Jupiter’s moons Europa…

Binary stars: friends or foes?

Binary stars: friends or foes?

A primary theme of this blog is to explore the different processes that affect the existence and evolution of planets that could harbor life.  Today’s question: Are binary stars good or bad? Short answer: BAD, but not in all cases or for the reasons you might expect.  (Jump to the end for a quick summary…