Ode to 7 orbs

Ode to 7 orbs

Wake up now people, I’ve got some big news! You won’t want to miss this. You don’t want to snooze. We just found some planets while we were stargazing Gather ’round, listen up. These ones are amazing! And it’s not just one new planet. There are seven! All orbiting one star up there in the…

Another planet in Kepler-186?

Another planet in Kepler-186?

That spanking new planet’s already a star. K-186 f, you know who you are. You’re making us wonder if we’re all alone. The planet out there in the habitable zone. I’ve been on the radio.  Been on TV. Talking ‘bout the planet. Just what can we see? Just what do we know about this special…

Vega: a planetary poem

Vega: a planetary poem

  Here is a tale ’bout a bright star named Vega. For years, astronomers have combed through their data and discovered that Vega is more than a star. It’s surrounded by dust clouds: one near and one far. Next to the star is some dust that’s quite hot. We’ve only just found it. There isn’t…