Warsaw Startup Club

Warsaw Startup Club

Treści biznesowe



Join the thriving startup community at Warsaw Startup Club, the premier platform for entrepreneurs, innovators, and dreamers 🚀

Treści biznesowe
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Organizacja non-profit


Pracownicy Warsaw Startup Club


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

    1124 obserwujących

    🟠🟠Another week, so once again we come to you with a solid dose of news about what's going on in the world of startups. As a first, it comes to you information from two weeks ago, but it is still exhilarating. 🔴🔥RedStone received $15m in Series A funding. This round was led by Arrington Capital, a fund set up by Micheal Arrington - co-founder of TechCrunch and Crunchbase. 💻Redstone, a startup created by Jakub Wojciechowski and Marcin Kaźmierczak, is developing an Oracles solution that provides information from external sources to blockchain-based applications. 💡Currently, the company focuses on providing data on currency exchange rates and act prices, but as Redstone co-founder, Jakub Wojciechowski says: ‘[...] in the future, this could be information on the temperature recorded in Warsaw or the results of matches played during the European Championships’. 💸In the aforementioned funding round popular crypto funds have also invested in Redstone, including White Star Capital, Kraken Ventures, Protagonist, and Amber Group. ✨Now it's time for the amazingly inspiring story of a man who moved from Rzeszów to the US city of Syracuse, New York, and is the owner of Dronehub, a startup producing drone docking stations. 👤Vad Melnyk is from Ukraine and has been successful from the start: as a teenager, he won a FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) competition and then went to the United States for a year. On his return, instead of attending MIT, he chose to study in Rzeszów at the University of Information Technology and Management. 🚀It was in Rzeszów, in the Technology Incubator at the Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park ‘Areopolis’ in Jasionka, that DroneHub - a startup valued at $40 million - was founded. In a nutshell, DroneHub produces a ground infrastructure on which drones can land themselves to change the battery and fly away. Everything is done without any human interaction. 💥At the 2024 Carpathian Startup Fest, Vad Melnyk's company won the Best Scaleup category. 🚂Earlier this year, DroneHub partnered with a German railway company for which they created a system that detects track-related anomalies. The introduction of this system will help save up to $500 million. The company has now been working with a US military agency for several months. 🌎Vad Melnyk's impressive story shows that the ‘American dream’ can be within everyone's reach. 📢That's it for this edition of StartupPulse! Next week we'll be back to you with another dose of news from the startup world so get your open minds ready and look forward to a new post. See you soon!

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    🟠🟠We are delighted to introduce you to our new concept - 'StartupPulse' a series of the latest and brightest news from the startup world. So today we come to you with a real sensation! ✨Warsaw-based Startup CampusAI Poland has received $10 million in pre-seed round funding for growth and global expansion. This is a record result in pre-seed financing in the entire history of Polish startups! 💡CampusAI is a startup developing a revolutionary learning platform to increase the effectiveness of human-AI collaboration. The entire platform is fully virtual and creates an environment offering customised courses, AI tools and a community of users. Through the AI solutions used, those using it can accelerate their digital transformation, improve the competencies of their employees and maximise the efficiency of their business. 👼As part of June's VC support for startups, Maciej Zientara - business angel, founder of Supernova Group and investment partner at JR Holding - provided the record support. 🏦There is more good news for CampusAI. Future Industries investment company JR Holding has signed a letter of intent for investment between the startup and Maciej Zientara. The company's involvement is expected to be up to 50% of the investment value and it plans to take up newly issued shares in CampusAI. 🔥With the funding raised, the company will enter at least 10 new markets and plans to acquire 200,000 customers in the short term. What is their goal? To reach 100 markets and build a local team in each. The main founder and CEO of CampusAI is Aureliusz Gorski 😎🤖, who has been developing new solutions in the innovation ecosystem for 12 years. Prof Aleksandra Przegalinska and Prof Dariusz Jemielniak also sit on the scientific council. Both are affiliated with the Kozminski University in Warsaw. Source: https://lnkd.in/gEf7b5w3 https://lnkd.in/dpmEApKp

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    Attention Startup Enthusiasts! We're thrilled to share an exciting project launched in our country by our friend Aleksander DuninTimeleft! Timeleft is an app designed to help people meet new people. By organizing dinners for strangers, it fights loneliness and creates a space for building relationships in big cities.  The idea, which has won the hearts of over 400,000 people around the world, is very simple: every Wednesday evening, strangers meet for dinner at selected restaurants. The algorithm matches guests based on a short quiz to create optimal conditions for integration, and additional questions help to develop the conversation. Timeleft is popular all over the world - the app is already available in over 140 cities on six continents, connecting people in New York, Paris, Auckland and other cities to say "Hello" every week. In July, Timeleft is launching in Poland - the first dinner in Warsaw will take place on July 10th. How to sign up? Timeleft dinners take place every week. Tickets for a single dinner or subscriptions are available: Single dinner: 39.99 PLN 1 month: 69.99 PLN 3 months: 174.99 PLN 6 months: 244.99 PLN PROMO CODE: To receive -25% on your first, single dinner, use: ILOVETIMELEFT Registration for the first dinner in Warsaw is now available on the app and website. More info: https://lnkd.in/e7n2-Yi9

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    🟠🟠Even though the holidays have already started for many, we would like to come back and show you what happened during Warsaw Startup Club #8! This time we focused on giving our knowledge-hungry audience a big bundle of insights on "How to pitch your startup idea?" and how to do it effectively. Let's have a look at the last event: 💡Spotlights from Discussion Panel The most important thing is practical knowledge, so on the topic “Sell Your Vision: Expert Tips for a Successful Startup Pitch” one and only Aleksandra Pietrzykowska provided us with many interesting tips jointly with people who have mastered this art to perfection: Alexander Nevedovsky - Al entrepreneur, Managing partner Fundraising Hackers Alicja Glinka - Investment Associate at OTB Ventures Kirill Ilichev - ex-CEO & co-founder at mubr.app 🧠😎Workshop and Improvised Pitch Practice To ensure that our audience was fulfilled, Bart Jurkowski from I'MPRO IMPRO - warsztaty i spektakle improwizacji Organisation devoted his entire speech to answering the main topic, i.e. "How to pitch your startup idea?" It was followed by a remarkable opportunity to improve your pitching skills in an improvised setting, also held by Bart. 🤝Networking  Event of this kind can’t do without sufficient networking, therefore during WSC #8 our attendees also had plenty of time to exchange their ideas, experiences and gain essential connections. Don't worry if you missed the event. This autumn we will be preparing more stunning events for you.  🚀Stay tuned! Bianka Szuster Aleksander L. Aleksander Klepka Hubert Jaczyński Jakub Oganowski Krzysztof Białasik Wojciech Basinski

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    The final of Econverse FUSE, the largest business event for young people in Poland, will take place on June 14. During Econverse FUSE, young people from all over Poland will face real challenges in sectors such as education, e-commerce and climate, while creating start-up projects. 🏙️ This year's Econverse is held under the theme FUSE, meaning Future Societies. During the event, we will try to answer the question: how will technology affect the societies of the future? How to effectively use AI in business and personal development? 💸 Young people have a chance not only to create and present their own business ideas, but also to compete for real investments. The event will feature investors such as Mariusz Adamski (ff Venture Capital) Wojtek Walniczek (OTB Ventures) and Andrzej Anton (Autopay). 🚀 Interesting panel discussions, exciting competition and networking - all this and much more is waiting for you on June 14. Book your seat now at: https://lnkd.in/dyCyicpj Use code: WSC50 for 50% discount https://lnkd.in/dzp-yHtm

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Econverse.org; grafika

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    🟠Econverse #FUSE🟣 ���� https://lnkd.in/dyCyicpj Łączymy doświadczenie z talentem. Spotkaj najambitniejsze młode Polki i Polaków, a także wielu wybitnych gości na PGE Narodowym, w pierwszy dzień Euro 2024. Econverse FUSE to największa w Polsce symulacja tworzenia własnego biznesu dla młodych. 14 czerwca odbędzie się Wielki Finał tegorocznej rywalizacji. Econverse FUSE to platforma łącząca młode osoby, chcące spróbować swoich sił w startupowym środowisku, a także zdobyć umiejętności kluczowe na rynku pracy przyszłości, z doświadczonymi mentorami i profesjonalistami. Wspólnie tworzymy przestrzeń, gdzie młodzi mogą rozwijać oraz weryfikować swoje pierwsze pomysły startup’owe. 👉Motywy tematyczne 🤖Jak technologia wpłynie na przyszłość pracy i edukacji? 🙌 Jak skutecznie wykorzystać AI w biznesie, edukacji i rozwoju osobistym? 👨💻 Jak zbudować dolinę technologiczną w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej? 🇺🇦Jak możemy zaangażować się we wsparcie walczącej Ukrainy? Nie może Cię zabraknąć! Do zobaczenia 14 czerwca na PGE Narodowy! 🌐 Zdobądź bilety już dzisiaj na https://lnkd.in/dyCyicpj Partner Strategiczny - Fundacja Empiria i Wiedza Sponsor Główny - MODIVO SA Sponsor Wydarzenia - Autopay Sponsor Wydarzenia - BEST Grupa Kapitałowa Główny Partner Merytoryczny - Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego (Kozminski University) Główny Partner Prawny - Baker McKenzie Polska Partnerzy: Orange Polska, Grupa Archicom, Scope Fluidics, HugeTECH, Stanford Club of Poland

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    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Econverse.org; grafika

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    📢 Zapraszamy na wyjątkowy Fireside Chat podczas najbliższego Econverse #PitchContestNight! Mamy zaszczyt ogłosić, że naszym gościem specjalnym będzie Franciszek Bazyli Georgiew 高傅安 , właściciel Tigers 🐯 Franciszek to wizjoner i ekspert w dziedzinie marketingu oraz zarządzania, który podzieli się z nami swoim wieloletnim doświadczeniem oraz wskazówkami dla początkujących founderów. 🔸 Kiedy? 12 Czerwca, 18:45 🔸 Gdzie? Google for Startups Campus Warsaw 🔸Rozmowę poprowadzi Jan Bartkowiak Nie przegap tej wyjątkowej okazji, by dowiedzieć się więcej o nowoczesnym marketingu bezpośrednio Franciszka Georgiewa! 💡 🎟️ Bilety na Econverse Pitch Contest Night dostępne są tutaj: https://lnkd.in/d2J8bMuP Dołącz do nas i zainspiruj się🌟

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    Remember to sign for the improvised pitch session!💡

    Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    💡Join our Improvised Pitching Session! Hosted by Bart Jurkowski from I'MPRO IMPRO - warsztaty i spektakle improwizacji, this session offers an exciting opportunity to hone your pitching skills in a dynamic and supportive environment. Participants will create and deliver a business pitch based on a spontaneous hint provided at the beginning of the session. After your pitch, receive valuable feedback directly from Bart, helping you refine your approach and boost your confidence. This is an ideal practice ground before your next real startup pitch. 🌟Don't miss out on this unique chance to improve and impress! Registration form: https://lnkd.in/dDZw-xua cc: Econverse.org Aleksander Dunin

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    🤩We're Thrilled to Be Featured in Forbes! We are extremely excited to announce that Warsaw Startup Club has been featured in Forbes Polska! 👉Check out our story through the article:https://lnkd.in/dkdYxkta Don't miss the chance to join us tomorrow at the Warsaw Startup Club event! 🟠Get your tickets https://lnkd.in/dQjVJtik and be part of our growing community. See you there!

    Econverse, czyli Młoda Startupowa Polska

    Econverse, czyli Młoda Startupowa Polska


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

    1124 obserwujących

    🚀 Exciting Event Alert for Startups! 🚀 🗓️ Join us on May 15th, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Google for Startups Campus in Warsaw for an engaging panel discussion that promises to transform your startup pitch into an unforgettable presentation. 🟠 Discussion Panel: "Sell Your Vision: Expert Tips for a Successful Startup Pitch" ⏰ Time: 18:15 - 18:45 Meet Our Panelists: 🟠Aleksandra Pietrzykowska, Host & Investment Banking Analyst specializing in Venture Debt, University of Cambridge alumna 🟠Alexander Nevedovsky, Nev AI Entrepreneur, Managing Partner @Fundraising Hackers 🟠Alicja Glinka, Investment Associate at OT Ventures 🟠Kirill Ilichev, ex-CEO & Co-founder at mubr.app and active member of Warsaw Startup Club 💡This panel is part of the "How to Pitch Your Startup Idea?" event and is designed to provide you with expert insights and actionable tips on making your startup pitch compelling and impactful. 🤔Whether you're preparing for your next funding round or looking to refine your pitching skills, this session is a must-attend. Connect with fellow entrepreneurs and industry experts, and take your startup vision to the next level! 🔗 RSVP Now to secure your spot and for more details! https://lnkd.in/dQjVJtik 👉 Looking forward to seeing many innovative thinkers and future leaders there! #StartupPitch #Entrepreneurship #StartupEvent #Investment #BusinessNetworking #GoogleForStartups #WarsawEvents

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Warsaw Startup Club; grafika

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    💡Join our Improvised Pitching Session! Hosted by Bart Jurkowski from I'MPRO IMPRO - warsztaty i spektakle improwizacji, this session offers an exciting opportunity to hone your pitching skills in a dynamic and supportive environment. Participants will create and deliver a business pitch based on a spontaneous hint provided at the beginning of the session. After your pitch, receive valuable feedback directly from Bart, helping you refine your approach and boost your confidence. This is an ideal practice ground before your next real startup pitch. 🌟Don't miss out on this unique chance to improve and impress! Registration form: https://lnkd.in/dDZw-xua cc: Econverse.org Aleksander Dunin

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