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Matt's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Error in total counts

4 votes

What does the discovery of a pentaquark signify?

4 votes

Extract energy from the atmosphere?

3 votes

Gamma spectroscopy - Table of radioactive isotopes with gamma energy search

3 votes

Notation on chart of the isotopes

2 votes

Does every particle/ substance belongs to one of the state of matter?

2 votes

Can meters measure a distance in higher dimensions?

2 votes

Perfectly flat surface

2 votes

What should be the anti-particle for proton?

2 votes

Why is $\pi$ the value it is?

1 vote

Physical meaning of parity in nuclear decays

1 vote

How the infinite electric field of an electron goes through a slit?

1 vote

Is there a name for leptons that are not neutrinos?

1 vote

Calculating horizontal and vertical components of force

1 vote

why is gamma ray ejected during radioactive decay?

1 vote

How can the unstable particles of the standard model be considered particles in their own right if they immediately decay into stable particles?

1 vote

could anti-matter black hole is sitting at the center of the universe ? that have all the aniti matter

0 votes

Verification of Lenz's law in magnetic induction

0 votes

Does $v^2=v_0^2-2gh$ work if the positive axis is up and the initial velocity is down?

0 votes

Why is there uncertainty in physics?

0 votes

What will happen if there is large amounts (massive) of electrons in a region?

0 votes

Is acceleration causing displacement or velocity?

0 votes

Is antimatter attracted to matter by its opposite electric charge?

0 votes

If fluid flows faster through a narrower pipe, why do hourglasses work?

0 votes

Gamma spectroscopy – What is this structure?

-1 votes

Why consider only $x$ component of accelerating block pulled by cord at an angle?

-2 votes

Why is the charge of a proton positive?

-2 votes

Do neutrons in an atomic nucleus exert strong force on each other?