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Lourenco Entrudo's user avatar
Lourenco Entrudo
  • Member for 2 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Lisbon
13 votes

Physical intuition of raising and lowering indices in GR

7 votes

What is the "true" distance an object travels based on relative speeds?

5 votes

Why does force perpendicular to the velocity change only its direction; not the speed?

4 votes

How is the Ricci scalar the trace of the Ricci tensor?

4 votes

The electric field formula $E=F/q$

4 votes

Understanding derivation Klein-Gordon equation

2 votes

How exactly does curved space-time describe the force of gravity?

2 votes

Is unitary time evolution the same as obeying the Schrödinger equation?

2 votes

How to define the potential energy, and conservative forces?

2 votes

What does it mean to create particles by applying creation operator

1 vote

Confusion about the covariant derivative of basis vectors

1 vote

Einsteins gravity theory, but for static objects

1 vote

Why are the mechanics of different axes independent of each other?

1 vote

What is difference between an infinitesimal displacement $dx$ and a basis one-form given by the gradient of a coordinate function?

1 vote

Electromagnetism: Calculating work required to assemble two parallel planes of different charge

1 vote

Misunderstanding the notion of occupation numbers

1 vote

What's happening in this approximation for the equation of state of an ideal gas of bosons

0 votes

Why do heavy bosons have less range?

0 votes

Could we deduce energy, momentum and angular momentum conservation laws from only Galilean relativity?

0 votes

How information of accelerated charged particle travels, if photon is absorbed?

0 votes

Question involving an infinite sheet of uniform charge with a hole and gauss theorem

0 votes

Electric field beyond its simple definition of force per unit charge

0 votes

Why the total work to move a spring from point A to B equals the integral of all forces needed to hold it balance at every point between A and B?

0 votes

Linear Independence of dimensions

0 votes

Vector rearrangement for 2 objects getting closer

0 votes

Time dilation and inertial reference