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For questions about strongly correlated systems and materials, particularly strongly correlated electron systems.
57 questions
The strong force or interaction is responsible for the confinement of quarks inside hadrons and the binding of nucleons inside a nucleon, and it is described by the gauge theory of QCD. It provides mo…
386 questions
A structural element whose length greatly exceeds both its width and height, which are of the same order of magnitude.
157 questions
Subatomic particles or processes involve sizes much smaller than an ångström (0.1 nm) and energies/masses larger than keVs. Typically, nuclear and High energy physics particles, structure, and proce…
173 questions
The Sun is an almost perfectly symmetric yellow dwarf star [spectral class G2V] which is at the center of our Solar System.
793 questions
Superconductivity is the transmission of current with no resistive losses, and is one of the most active areas of condensed matter physics research.
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A flow with no viscosity
246 questions
Supergravity is a classical supersymmetric unification theory that appears in low-energy classical limits of string theory.
260 questions
A supernova is the explosive death of a star.
209 questions
A basic principle of solutions of *linear* differential (often wave) equations, ensuring that the sum ("superposition") of two solutions is automatically a solution as well. Conversely, solutions (amo…
The Green-Schwarz formalism, or the superspace-formalism, are formalisms for supersymmetry with explicit spacetime supersymmetry.
63 questions
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Should be used in the context of supersymmetry. A sparticle is also known as a superpartner. Can be used in questions asking the connection between supersymmetry and superstring theory if sparticles a…
11 questions
A postulated symmetry between bosonic and fermionic fields in quantum field theories and string theories.
1236 questions
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Surface tension occurs due to the tendency of liquid molecules to favor their own kind. Surface tension is important in fluid multiphase systems typically at small length and velocity
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Symmetries play a big role in modern physics and have been a source of powerful tools and techniques for understanding theories and their dynamics. We say that something is symmetric if there is some …
3285 questions
In explicit symmetry breaking, the equations of motion of a physical system are variant under the broken symmetry; by contrast, for spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), these equations are invariant, …
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Symmetry Protected refers to the symmetry protection by Symmetry Protected Topological order (SPT order). It is beyond the Landau-Ginzburg theory. See…
13 questions
Tachyons are hypothetical particles with imaginary mass and they thus may move faster than light. However, their existence in a theory, indicates an unstable ground state.
117 questions
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It's the physical property that indicates the degree/intensity of heat present in a substance or an object. It can be expressed and measured according to various scales.
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