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Quantum-ChromoDynamics (QCD) is the quantum field theory believed to describe the strong nuclear force.

0 votes

Why is the convolution between hadron structure functions and PDFs defined this way?

So when you scatter an electron of fixed beam energy off a nucleon ($M$) and into some lab angle and momentum, there are 2 kinematic variables, which are converted into the (positive) four momentum sq …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
1 vote

What makes up and down quarks so special?

@Cosmas Zachos is entirely correct. One addition is that it is not isospin $I$ that determines quark content, it is the eigenstate on the 3rd axis with quantum number $I_3$ that signifies quark conten …
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4 votes

How to understand observed electric quadrupole moment of deuteron?

The deuteron is an isospin singlet (if it were not, one would expect $|nn\rangle$ and maybe $|pp\rangle$ to be bound states) with isospin wave function: $$ |I=0, I_3=0\rangle = \frac 1 {\sqrt 2}[|pn\r …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
4 votes

Is the Yukawa potential the more accurate potential to describe nucleons nucleons interactions?

The most accurate "potential" is the QCD Lagrangian, for which solutions are totally intractable. There are myriad nucleon-nucleon potentials, 3-nucleon, and even 4 nucleon potentials. The latter two …
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  • 35.4k
2 votes

Is there an energy release from gluon expansion and contraction?

In quantum mechanics, a proton is a stationary state, like the ground state of a hydrogen atom: all protons are indistinguishable at all times, forever. The only time evolution is an unobservable pha …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
2 votes

Meson-Meson Scattering Data

Check experiments at the now renamed Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) for meson scattering. Regarding Brodsky and his constituent counting rules ($s$-scaling), see "Two Body Photodisintegrati …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
2 votes

How do scientists attempt to break quark confinement?

As the comments say: smash. One way to do this is called deep inelastic scattering (DIS): This was originally done at SLAC with an electron beam on liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets. Since the be …
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  • 35.4k
7 votes

Why are protons/neutrons spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ when they are made up of three valence quarks (a...

We don't observe spin 3/2 protons because the proton is, by definition, the spin 1/2 ground state of $uud$. Both $\Delta$ baryons and $N^*$ baryons have/can have higher spins.
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
8 votes

Why aren't all quarks clumped together in one giant hadron?

The strong interaction is not "only attractive". A $qgq$-vertex has a color factor associated with it that depends on quark color and the gluon color/anti-color. The total color factor for a 2 vertex …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
33 votes

What is the experimental evidence that the nucleons are made up of three quarks?

Note that the original SU(3) quark model was entirely mathematical (The Eightfold Way) and was a brilliant way to explain the observed spectra of baryons and meson. The whimsically named quarks were n …
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