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Within relativity (both special and general), changes of reference frames can change both the notions of space and of time, with one depending on the other as well. As a consequence, it is necessary to treat both concepts in a unified manner. Hence the term spacetime.

1 vote

does time exist in space or does space exist in time

Minkowski after comprehending Einsteins theory of relativity merged space and time into one spacetime, so neither space nor time (as understood in physics) had a separate existence. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
-1 votes

Using Zeno's Paradox to prove that spacetime is discrete

Zeno's paradoxes don't constitute a 'proof' that spacetime is discrete but that common-sense notions of how motions occurs aren't simply teneable. … there is no a priori reason Why it should be reflected in the empirical world ... it is clear, that quantum gravity, with its natural Planck's length, raises the possibility that the continuum nature of spacetime
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
3 votes

Does space have a structure?

Since relativity up-ended our notions of space and time we ought not to speak of space and time separately but together - spacetime. The above still holds but now we can add a time orientation. … This is taken as a starting point in causal set theory where spacetime evolves in discrete jumps. There is a long history attached to the conceptualisation of space. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
-1 votes

Is it spacetime or space that is expanding?

Is it spacetime or space that is expanding? Its both. … But its better said that it is spacetime that is expanding and hence space is expanding too, since - obviously - space s a part of spacetime. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
5 votes

Is space a property of something that moves and does it move with it?

This change in place is like an atom of spacetime that flexes but does not change it's relation with other atoms of spacetime. … Objects move along with the movement of spacetime. Moreover, spacetime is not 'a property of an object'. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
-1 votes

General relativity: is curvature of spacetime really required or just a convenient represent...

In traditional GR, the possibility that spacetime can be curved is a fundamental requirement and moreover gravity is a fundamental force. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
0 votes

How can we justify dropping the absolute time hypothesis?

suggested a geometric interpretation which melded space and time into the concept of a manifold with a metric; the metric described the motion of light; essentially he introduced the concept of absolute spacetime
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
-2 votes

What is our time-size in spacetime? Are we spaghetti or flat blobs?

Although in the geometric picture of general relativity time is pictured as a dimension this is not how Einstein viewed the matter. He was against interpreting physics in a purely geometric fashion wh …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
0 votes

What is the correct name for the 4-space of special relativity

The $4d$ space of special relativity is called by physicists, Minkowski spacetime and by mathematicians, a Minkowski vector space with the indefinite metric being called the Minkowski inner product. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
0 votes

What is a manifold?

It was Minkowski who first suggested that spacetime was best thought of in this way after Einstein dreamt up special relativity. … A picture that is elaborated in Wheelers spacetime foam. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
0 votes

Time dilation and freefall (follow up and simplification)

If time is dilated then one second is longer; the opposite would be contraction and a second would be shorter. Now consider in the classical picture an object that is dropped above the surface of the …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
1 vote

Why is spacetime in special relativity hyperbolic?

It's worth adding that Einstein more or less identified the aether with spacetime. … In fact, in the covariant description of Maxwells equations we use the tangent structure of spacetime to describe the electromagnetic field. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
2 votes

Inferring properties of spacetime manifolds from those of chart maps

Question: doesn't the notion of the continuity of spacetime curves itself depend on our choice of a topology on the manifold The situation is exactly the reverse. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
6 votes

What does it mean to "convert energy into time"?

You're quoting from a piece of journalism as opposed to a paper, and different standards apply; one should then be prepared to understand what is said with that in mind. It's breathtaking to thin …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
3 votes

What is Fourth Dimension?

Despite what I said about time, usually spacetime, after Einstein and especially after Minkowski, we model spacetime as a 4d manifold. …
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar

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