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Concerns the application of the laws of physics to analyze common situations encountered in everyday life.

14 votes

Why do the big nuts always remain at top? The Brazil-nut Effect

I googled it and found the term Brazil-nut Effect but couldn't found any proper explanation. What is the physical explanation of this effect? I answered another question on granular convect …
bobie's user avatar
  • 5,854
8 votes

Why is it so hard to mix spaghetti with meatballs?

When I cook spaghetti with a sauce that includes meatballs or chopped vegetables, those stay in chunks and won't get uniformly mixed in the pasta. Is there a simple reason for that? I do not know if …
bobie's user avatar
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31 votes

Why do stickers curl?

*When peeling a sticker off its base, the immediate reaction is that it curls; why is this? on a somewhat related note, is this a similar reason for why a ribbon curls when glided over with …
bobie's user avatar
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9 votes

Does car tire pressure change with weight of car load?

The data manufacturers provide assume the tyre pressure is adjusted with tyres cold (ambient temperature) prior to loading. Though the small error introduced by making adjustments after loading will n …
bobie's user avatar
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4 votes

Which force is responsible for victory in tug of war?

Force on the ground can never be greater than force on the rope Each players individually exerts some force on the rope and on the ground, but that doesn't means that the same amount of work is done o …
bobie's user avatar
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12 votes

Why is the shape of lightning or an electric spark a zig-zag line?

Why is it never just a straight line? I think it can be interesting to answer both questions and add a few interesting details to the answer already given. Electrons move in a straight line on …
bobie's user avatar
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8 votes

Why is the sky dark at night?

Who is interested can find detailed information at wiki, or here The problem is known (as you added in your edit) as Olbers' paradox, and was posed already in the mid 1500's, by Johannes Kepler in 161 …
bobie's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

The best way in which a man can pull a train

I have chosen this example as a paradoxical limit, but my question really regards the optimization, distribution and outcome of force when you try to pull a weight: how can you optimize your effort/en …
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