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Energy is the conserved quantity associated to time-translation invariance and represents the work a system is capable of doing. Use this tag for questions about energy, and consider adding the [energy-conservation] tag if it is specifically about its conservation.

2 votes

Is energy expended when a force is exerted on a object?

2) However, when a person exerts a force, is he not expending chemical potential energy? In other words, there is an energy change from chemical to thermal. Hence, the statement is true? … This happens because that energy spent is turned into other form of energy but does not become kinetic energy and there is no dislocation. …
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1 vote

Energy and work

I don't quite understand the concept of energy and work. We can define energy as the ability to do work. An object moving at constant speed has kinetic energy. … There is no net force acting on it Work is just a hyponim of energy: energy is the potentiality, work is the concrete, actual transfer of kinetic energy to another body. …
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1 vote

How can the bodies attain same velocities during the max. deformation during collision?

If the kinetic energy of both the ball decreases, how can their velocities be equal?? … Some energy has been transferred to B (4 J), but two thirds of the kinetic energy(12 J) have been changed to other forms of energy. …
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2 votes

Why does a spring fixed to a wall have PE and not KE?

And the spring ought to have kinetic energy otherwise the momentum of the spring-block system wouldn't be conserved. … So, the block does work on the spring resulting in decreasing of its kinetic energy. …
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2 votes

Conservation of kinetic energy in collision

) and then recover the original shape, giving back roughly the same amount of KE, which is considered as temporarily stored in the lattices If it is not elastic the body will stay deformed and the energy
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7 votes

What causes damage, kinetic energy or momentum?

In some cases we consider energy, in other cases , like collision, we consider momentum. … From a conceptual point of view energy is the cause and motion (momentum) is one of the consequences. That is why Leibniz, a philosopher, advocated the primacy of energy
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3 votes

Factors on which Coefficient of restitution depend

The only factor is the capacity to return to the original shape when it is deformed by an external force. An elastic object recovers its shape after it has been compressed and deformed, if you crush …
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3 votes

A force is exerted on a body, kinetic energy increases but no work is done by the force. Why?

Her kinetic energy increases because of an external force F⃗ on her from the rail . However, that force does not transfer energy from the rail to her. Thus, the force does no work on her. … The energy does not increase because of an external force acts on her. …
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7 votes

Validity of work-energy theorem in presence of non-conservative forces?

How can the work energy theorem be valid in presence of non-conservative forces since conservation of energy is not there? … The energy lost has been transformed into other forms of energy (heat, sound etc), and the general principle of conservation of energy is valid, but has nothing to to with the work-energy principle …
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42 votes

How was the formula for kinetic energy found, and who found it?

today is called energy. … We can thank Émilie du Châtelet for the modern..understanding of kinetic energy – user121330 There is no energy formula the discovery of conservation of energy are Joule and... – Ben Crowell That's …
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5 votes

Why is there conservation of kinetic energy in elastic collision and not in inelastic collis...

Kinetic energy is transformed into an exactly equal quantity of other forms of energy in inelastic collisions, therefore the total energy of the system does not change: KE is not conserved whereas momentum … is, but energy in general is conserved anyway …
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1 vote

Relation between the conservation of Energy and the conservation of Momentum?

According to the conservation of energy and momentum: Kinetic energy and momentum are conserved only in a perfect elastic collision, if the bodies stick together the collision is inelastic an only momentum … Some energy has been transferred to B, but two thirds of the kinetic energy have been changed to other forms of energy. …
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