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Newtonian mechanics discusses the movement of classical bodies under the influence of forces by applying Newton’s three laws. For more general concepts, use [classical-mechanics]. For Newton’s description of gravity, use [newtonian-gravity].

1 vote
1 answer

Signum function and friction

There've been some times where I've seen people including the signum function, $\text{sgn}(v_x)$ in equations of motion to account for the instant when the horitzontal velocity component, $v_x$, chang …
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Coriolis acceleration for wind at some latitude and longitude on the surface

I was trying to do an alternative general expression for Coriolis acceleration to the one explained on Wikipedia which I find not too intuitive and too simple calculation wise. Supposing the $z$ axis …
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Newton's 2nd Law for car on a highway

So I was trying to get the equations of motion of a car driven on a highway and that is affected by drag (other dissipative forces are neglected) via the use of Newton's 2nd Law. I supposed that the d …
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2 votes

Work-energy theorem in rotational motion

Considering a cylinder of radius $R$, the condition for rolling without slipping is met when $v=\omega R$. What we'll do is basically find how $\omega$ and $v$ vary in time and equate them: To find $\ …
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