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A tag for questions about the mechanical interactions of rotating objects, including torque and angular momentum.

1 vote

Evolution of Euler's angles in time

Euler Equation \begin{align*} &\mathbf{I}\,{\dot{\omega}}+\mathbf\omega\times \left(\mathbf{I}\,\mathbf\omega\right)=\mathbf\tau\tag 1 \end{align*} and the kinematic equation \begin{align*} &\mathbf …
Eli's user avatar
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0 votes

How $ d \vec s = d \vec \theta × \vec r $

Starting with $$\vec{v}=\vec{\omega}\times \vec{r}$$ with: $\vec{v}=\frac{d\vec{s}}{dt}$ and $\vec{\omega}=\frac{d\vec{\Phi}}{dt}$ you get: $$\frac{d\vec{s}}{dt}=\frac{d\vec{\Phi}}{dt}\times …
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2 votes

Clearing Up Confusion for Torques from Fictitious Forces for Motion with Respect to the Cent...

The Euler equations Euler equation inertial frame at the CM \begin{align*} &\frac{d}{dt}\left(\mathbf I\,\mathbf\omega\right)=\mathbf\tau\\ &\Rightarrow\\ &\mathbf I\,\mathbf{\dot{\omega}}+\mathbf{\do …
Eli's user avatar
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2 votes

Force acting on valves attached to tires

Assume the tire is rolling with out slipping on the road, you apply constant torque $~\tau~$ at the center of the tire. thus the center of the tire angular acceleration is: $$\alpha_T= \frac {\tau}{I …
Eli's user avatar
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Will a spinning pencil end over end then landing on its eraser bounce higher than a pencil d...

lets obtain the center of mass velocities $~v_1~$ and $~v_2~$ after the pencil collied with the floor . in both cases the momenta and the energies are conserved. the heights after the collision are p …
Eli's user avatar
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2 votes

Calculating wheel loads on a motorcycle / car / bike

Calculation the Car Wheels Load $F_G=m\,g$ car weight $F_V$ wheel front load $F_H$ wheel rear load $a_A$ car acceleration $a_D$ car deceleration take the sum of the torques about point V you …
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2 votes

Newton's 2nd law for rolling motion with changing moment of inertia

To calculate the equation of motion we obtain the sum of the torques about point A, because we don't have to take care about the contact force. first I obtain the vector u from point B to A $$\v …
Eli's user avatar
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2 votes

Combined inertia tensor of combined shapes

This figure can help you to solve your problem using parallel axis transformation . You can choose the x,y,z coordinate system at arbitrary point p, not necessarily center of mass, but all coordinate …
Eli's user avatar
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1 answer

The Euler-Lagrange equations for rigid body rotation [duplicate]

The equations of motion for rigid body rotation are: $I\,\dot{\vec{\omega}}+\vec{\omega}\times I\,\vec{\omega}=\vec{\tau}$ How i can calculate this equations using Lagrangian method ? If i use …
Eli's user avatar
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0 votes

Rotational Motion proof

you have two objects with mass $~m$ and $M$ that collide. first I write the equations of motions during the collision $$m\,\frac{dv_1}{dt}=F_c\tag 1$$ $$M\,\frac{dv_2}{dt}=-F_c\tag 2$$ where $F_c$ is …
Eli's user avatar
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1 vote

Torque on a constantly rotating rod

To answer your equations first I will write down the equation of motion, assuming that the tube is rotate with constant angular velocity $~\omega$ The EOM: $$m\,\ddot{s}+F_\mu-\omega^2\,m\,s-\sin(\om …
Eli's user avatar
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1 vote

In Circular motion, why $v = \omega × r$?

$\vec v=\vec \omega\times \vec r$ is always valid , not only in circular motion Circular motion the line element is $$s=\varphi\,r$$ $\Rightarrow$ $$v=\frac{ds}{dt}=\frac{d\varphi}{dt}\,r=\omega\,r$ …
Eli's user avatar
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How the torque along an axis is defined, for any arbitrary body?

look at this the projection of the vector $~\vec a~$ towards $~\vec b~$ is $$\vec a_p=a\,\cos(\phi)\,\hat b$$ with $$\vec a\cdot\vec b=a\,b\,\cos(\phi)\quad \Rightarrow\\ \cos(\phi)=\frac{\vec a\cdo …
Eli's user avatar
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1 vote

Rotational analogue of Newton's 2nd law

We first write the EOM's for the center mass $C_m$ Translation $$m\,\vec{a}=\vec{F}\tag 1$$ and Rotation $$I_{cm}\,\vec{\alpha}_{cm}+\vec{\omega}_{cm} \times (I_{cm}\,\vec{\omega}_{cm})=\vec …
Eli's user avatar
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2 votes

Ring moving on paraboloid?

this animation is result of simulation the equation of motion, I used Euler- Lagrange with non holonomic constraint equation (rolling condition). Ring rolling on paraboloid surface Paraboloid param …
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