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Optics is the study of light, and its interaction with matter. It includes topics such as imaging systems, fiber optics, lasers, quantum optics, and more.

11 votes

Laser beam shaping

It is possible to do diffractive optics really cheap - either with photography (with a non-digital camera) or a widely available DTP polygraphic technique. …
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Total internal reflection for perpendicular incidence

Are there any materials, which give total internal reflection for perpendicular incidence? Here, by this phenomena I mean: no absorption (including for evanescent propagation inside), finite evanes …
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9 votes

In optics, how does the vacuum state compare to thermal radiation?

The vacuum state is the thermal state for $T=0K$. How to compare if a state is close enough to the vacuum state? By counting photons (for vacuum it is zero). The occupation for photons is given by Bos …
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3 votes

What is an intuitive explanation of Gouy phase?

A naive explanation says that a beam after its focal point is inverted, not only in the sense of its spatial distribution but also in the sense of the direction of the electrical field vector (minus s …
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5 votes

Linearizing Quantum Operators

The operation you mentioned $$\Delta \hat{a} = \hat{A}-\langle \hat{A}\rangle \hat{I}$$ is just shifting of the annihilation operator. Typically people even drop the identity and write $$\hat{a}_{new} …
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1 vote

Double slit experiment and perforated walls' properties

1. Of course wall sometimes absorbs the photon (light do not evade it in any way). To have interference, you need to have no information (in terms of excitation, creation of photographic grain of what …
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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2 votes

What's inside the slit in double slit experiment?

Air is everywhere, not only in slit, but also in the optical path before and after the slit. However, interaction with transparent media (e.g. air, water, glass) can be easily included: by use of ref …
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Theoretical penetration limit for evanescent waves

Consider a problem in classical electrodynamics, when a monochromatic beam experiences total internal refraction when traveling from a medium with $n>1$ to a medium with refractive index $1$ - see sch …
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6 votes

Operator norm directly from phase space representation of photonic quantum operator

It is not an complete answer, but (hopefully) it may help: $$\text{tr} \left( A B \right) = \pi \int W_A(r) W_B(r) dr = \pi \int P_A(r) Q_B(r) dr,$$ where $A$ and $B$ are self-adjoint operators, $r=(p …
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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7 votes

Photon energy - momentum in matter

It's a non-trivial problem, which also involves how you define a photon in a medium - as a interacting particle and treating excitation of medium separately, or as a "dressed particle", including the …
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