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Within relativity (both special and general), changes of reference frames can change both the notions of space and of time, with one depending on the other as well. As a consequence, it is necessary to treat both concepts in a unified manner. Hence the term spacetime.

2 votes

Derivation of SR formula involving an absolute interval

The spacetime diagrams below might be helpful. …
robphy's user avatar
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10 votes

Meaning of simultaneity in special relativity

UPDATE (to address the comment by the OP): A spacetime diagram is useful to clarify the ideas. … Using my "spacetime diagrammer" , with event $P(x,t)=(0.5,1)$, Alice (in RED) says that distant event P is simultaneous with tick-1 on her clock... …
robphy's user avatar
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1 vote

Intuition as to why a constant four-acceleration must be zero

I'll add vector-signs and hat-signs, but I'll only work in (1+1)-Minkowski spacetime with $(+,-)$-signature. Can you quote the source (the "tutorial")? Maybe I am misunderstanding the situation. …
robphy's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do we need Minkowski spacetime in special relativity?

So, one important value of the structure of Minkowski spacetime is that it can be used in more general situations than it was initially conceived for. …
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2 votes

How can it be that Doppler Factor $k=\frac{1}{k}$?

Eq.10 is incorrect. Observe that: $$\frac{cT_2}{cT'}=\frac{(1+\beta)cT}{cT'}=\frac{1}{k}\tag{10}$$ implies $$ \begin{align} cT &=\frac{1}{(1+\beta)k}cT'\\ &=\frac{1}{(1+\beta)\sqrt{\frac{1+\beta}{1-\b …
robphy's user avatar
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3 votes

Minkowski diagram of two frames in rest with respect to each other

Here is a spacetime diagram [drawn on rotated graph paper] of the back of the stick showing two reference frames, one for the back of the stick (through the origin event), and the other for the front … On a spacetime diagram drawn by another inertial observer who meets [the back of the stick at] event O and travels with velocity (-3/5)c with respect to the stick, the stick-ends' frames appear as shown …
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1 vote

Can space proper-time (SPT) diagrams as used by Lewis Epstein in Relativity Visualized be us...

(update2: So, it seems the length of path in a SPT-diagram is equal to the spacetime-interval between the endpoint-events (i.e. the proper-time for the inertial astronaut experiencing the endpoint-events … By constast, here's my variation of the standard Minkowski spacetime diagram: (go to the "Clock Effect" section halfway in) as my answer to What is the …
robphy's user avatar
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1 vote

Is the space-part of a four-vector temporally connected to the time-part and vice-versa?

Can we say that it's the time part that's involved in defining the space part and the space part in defining the time part? A displacement 4-vector has a time-component that has nothing to do with …
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2 votes

Radius Four-Vector in Minkowski Spacetime

You seem to be confusing (or improperly comparing) the spacetime-displacement 4-vector of an event that is represented in a different frame by an equal-Minkowski-magnitude 4-vector with different spacetime-components … (addendum: These unequal-Euclidean-magnitude spatial-displacement vectors are the spatial-components of the equal-temporal-Galilean-magnitude spacetime-displacement 4-vectors related by a Galilean-boost …
robphy's user avatar
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1 vote

Confusion regarding common definition of proper time?

For that worldline, all observers agree on the readings of the clock on that worldline. ) The Spacetime [square-]interval is like the squared-distance between two points in the plane (taken along a straight … In Minkowski spacetime, the square-interval from chronologically related events A to B is the square of the proper time along the inertial worldline from A to B. …
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0 votes

Special Relativity Assumption

For completeness [especially for those without easy access to the reference], it might be good to include the other assumptions. Each admissible observer presides over a 3-dimensional, right-handed, …
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0 votes

Schutz and spacetime diagrams

Note that Galilean physics is all you need to answer this question. If you draw the position-vs-time graph of a plane moving with velocity v, you have a line with slope v. If you reorient the axes so …
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1 vote

Hypersurface vs Hyperplane

Yes. A hypersphere is a hypersurface that is not a hyperplane. Hyperspheres and hyperplanes are examples of hypersurfaces. It's akin to a sphere and a plane being hypersurfaces in three dimensions.
robphy's user avatar
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0 votes

Is it possible to derive the time dilation expression directly from the space-time interval?

Write $\Delta s_{OQ}^2=\Delta t_{OQ}^2-\Delta x_{OQ}^2$, where we interpret the spacetime-displacement $\Delta s_{OQ}$ and $\Delta t_{OQ}$ is the adjacent side and $\Delta x_{OQ}$ is the opposite side. …
robphy's user avatar
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2 votes

What are some of the uses of the invariant spacetime interval?

In special relativity, one uses a spacetime diagram, with the underlying Minkowski metric. … The time dilation problem is essentially relating "the spacetime interval (the elapsed proper time) along a straight worldline segment from event A to event B" with "the temporal-component of the spacetime-displacement …
robphy's user avatar
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