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This tag is for questions regarding the Newtonian model of gravity in which the force between two objects is given by $~GMm/r^2~.$ It is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy – including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light – attract one another. On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects, and the Moon's gravity causes the ocean tides.

2 votes

What constitutes an object with gravitational force?

I think what you are asking is when the gravitational force of attraction becomes significant so that it can be "felt". That is entirely dependent on what other forces are present and their magnitude …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
2 votes

Gravitational force due to a ring but not at it's center!

You must be careful because what happens in a $3$-D "world" ids not necessarily the same in a $2$-D "world". A "hand-waving" answer to you question is as follows. The left hand diagram is my attempt …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
2 votes

Gravitational force between a point mass and two other point masses

You have highlighted the difference between centre of mass and centre of gravity. In a uniform gravitational field those two positions are the same but in this example the gravitation field varies wit …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

Why is there a negative sign in Newton's equation for potential in uniform gravitational fields

The right hand side of your equation $-ΔV/Δr = g$ is the gravitational field strength. If $g$ is positive this means that down is the positive direction as the direction of the gravitational field is …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

Maximum height of a particle launched at 2000 m/s?

You seem to be given some redundant information as all you need is the escape speed and the radius of the planet. Using conservation of energy for the escape speed you can say that the kinetic ener …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

Definition of gravitational field strength

You are defining the gravitational field strength at a point. If an extended test mass is used then the each part of the test mass might experience a different gravitational field strength in a reg …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

which Force does ball experience when we throw it directly upward Newton's third law or Grav...

Assuming that you have two systems: the ball the thrower and the Earth In the act of throwing a ball upwards and ignoring air resistance there will be two forces acting on the ball: an upwar …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
0 votes

Force vectors when a body is held by a force above the ground

The system under consideration is the bucket and take up as positive, with unit vector $\hat u$. The bucket has two forces acting on it, the attractive force of due to the Earth, $F_{\rm Earth}(-\hat …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
2 votes

Force applied on a massless pulley

The FBD for the pulley is shown below and if $\hat u$ is the unit vector in the upward direction then $F\hat u + 2T(-\hat u) =0 \Rightarrow F=2T$.
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
-1 votes

Confused about definition of gravitational potential energy (GPE)

Gravitational potential energy is all to do with a system of at least two masses. So if a mass $m$ approaches a fixed mass $M$ it is the system of two masses which has the decreasing gravitational pot …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
5 votes

What if, for a body moving in a circle, the centripetal force is not equal to $mv^2/r$?

You agree that a satellite with speed $\sqrt{\frac{GM}{a}}$ will undergo a circular orbit of radius $a$. Now suppose that you take a satellite up to that distance $a$ and give it a tangential speed g …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
2 votes

Tidal force formula

Forget about adding the two fractions, rather take $\frac{1}{r^2}$ outside the bracket and expand $(1+\frac{\Delta r}{r})^{-2}$ using the binomial expansion.
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

How to determine the weight of an object in other planets?

The weight of an object $W$ of mass $m$ at the surface of a planet of radius $R$ and mass $M$ can be found by using Newton's law of gravitation. $W = \dfrac {GMm}{R^2}$ where $G$ is the gravitationa …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

How can this mass go off the edge of a disk?

You equation $$\dfrac{mv_{\rm maximum}^2}{R} = \mu_{\rm static}mg$$ gives you the maximum speed that the mass can have without it sliding. Any greater speed will result in $\dfrac{mv^2}{R} > \mu_{\ …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k
1 vote

Why is the Moon's Centre of gravity different to its centre of mass?

A simple way to shoe the difference is to consider two particles of equal mass $m$ located along the same radius vector at distances $r_1$ and $r_2$ from the centre of the Earth. The position of th …
Farcher's user avatar
  • 97.9k

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