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Questions tagged [wess-zumino-witten]

May use for both 4d phenomenological theories of flavor chiral anomalies, and 2d CFTs involving affine Lie Algebras. Wess–Zumino–Witten (WZW) models describe σ-models with flavor-chiral anomalies, of topological significance. Such terms trivialize the torsional curvature of the respective manifolds, leading to infrared fixed points of the RG.

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Which states contribute to the largest gap for WZW model with $so(16)_1$? [closed]

I was told that the WZW model with $so(16)_1$ occurred at $(c,\bar c )=(8,8)$, and it had a gap, i.e. the smallest state with conformal dimension $\Delta = h+\bar h\neq 0$, and it was said to be $2$. ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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On the derivation of Wess-Zumino term

$G$-$\text{WZW}$ model on a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ at the level $k$ is defined as $${\displaystyle S_{k}(\gamma )=-{\frac {k}{8\pi }}\int _{\Sigma }d^{2}x\,{\mathcal {K}}\left(\gamma ^{-1}\partial ^{...
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Sugawara construction in $G$-WZW models

Lorenz argues that Virasoro generator $L_n$ admits a mode expansion in terms of conserved currents $$L_n = \gamma\sum_{\alpha}\sum_{m\in\mathbb{Z}}:J^{a}_{n}J^{a}_{m-n}:\space\space\space \gamma = \...
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Calculating the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy for 1+1 black hole with dilaton background

According to this paper the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a 1+1 black hole which described by the $SL_k(2,\mathbb{R})/U(1)$ WZW cigar geometry is given by the following formula appearing in eq. (5.7): ...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
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How to derive WZW model’s energy-momentum tensor? The result is of course the Sugawara construction

I want to know how to derive WZW’s energy-momentum tensor. We know WZW action is $$ S_{WZW}[g]=\frac{k}{16\pi}\int d^2x Tr(\partial g^{-1}\partial g) - \frac{ik}{24\pi} \int_B d^3y \epsilon_{abc} Tr(h^...
zixuan feng's user avatar
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Central Charge Calculation of $SL_k(2,\mathbb{R})$ WZW Model

According to P. Francesco et al. conformal field theory book the central charge of the enveloping Virasoro algebra of the affine Lie algebra $\hat{g}_k$ corresponding with Lie algebra $g$ which ...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
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WZW primary fields / correlations in terms of current algebra?

Cross-posted from a Mathoverflow thread! Answer there for a bounty ;) Given the $\mathfrak{u}_N$ algebra with generators $L^a$ and commutation relations $ [L^a,L^b] = \sum_c f^{a,b}_{c} L^c $ , the ...
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What does the WZ term in a WZW action means for string theory on group manifolds?

Let $G$ be a semi-simple Lie group. By Cartan's criterion its Killing form $B(X,Y)$ on $\frak g$ is non-degenerate. We can use it to define an inner product on the whole group by left translation $${\...
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