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What is the Haldane gap?

The Haldane Phase is a topological phase of matter in which a Haldane gap opens due to the breaking of either time-reversal symmetry or inversion symmetry. Physically speaking, what is the "...
MrDoppler's user avatar
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How to numerically calculate Zak phase for SSH3 model?

The k-space hamiltonian of SSH3 model with nearest neighbour hopping is given by H(k)= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & u & w e^{-ika} \\ u & 0 & v \\ w e^{ika} & v & 0 \end{bmatrix} ...
SUMANTA SANTRA's user avatar
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Sublattice symmetry and the Fermi level

I am a math student who is learning topological phases from this website. Let's assume the fermi level is zero. For the graphene, the sublattice symmetry $\sigma_z H \sigma_z = -H$ makes the ...
Justin Lien's user avatar
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Topological properties of twisted TMD homobilayers

I'm reading this article about twisted TMD homobilayers ( and there are certain topological properties that I don't understand: On page 3, in the paragraph next to Fig ...
Eric N's user avatar
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Absence of topology in semi-dirac materials

Good morning everybody, I am facing a problem when calculating the topological invariant in a semi-dirac system, whose Hamiltonian is: $$ H=k_x^2\sigma_x+k_y\sigma_y $$ My question is that this ...
Feynnman pilows's user avatar
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Why are topological materials/phases "exotic"?

From what I understand, when a system has topological order, any local perturbation doesn't change the phases and thus its properties. This would suggest that it should be really easy to find ...
Another User's user avatar
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The $\rm SO(8)$ invariant interaction piece in Fidkowski and Kitaev's model

In this paper (arXiv link), the authors demonstrate the existence of a quartic interaction $W$ involving the 8 majorana operators $c_1 \ldots c_8$ (eq. 8) which is invariant under an $\rm SO(7)$ ...
sawd's user avatar
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What is the physical meaning of adiabatically varying the wavevector $k$ as a parameter to calculate the Chern number for topological effects?

Could it mean something like applying a weak electric field and perturbing the band structure? Or some other weak perturbation? Or is that the wrong idea?
Spinor's user avatar
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How to see that the trivial insulator is trivial?

I have been trying to better understand gapped phases of matter — which may be "topological" or "trivial" — and I have run into the problem that I don't really understand the ...
d_b's user avatar
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What is the topological space in “topological materials/phases of matter”?

I’m embarrassed to admit that after sitting in on several “topological physics” seminars, I still don’t understand the basic ideas of the area. In particular, when physicists talk about the “topology” ...
WillG's user avatar
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Calculation of Bulk and edge states in SSH model

I am reading “A Short Course on Topological Insulators” by János K. Asbóth. et.all., and want to calculate the Bulk and edge state of the SSH model (Chapter 1) to drive the energy spectrum in Fig. 1....
H. Khani's user avatar
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What is a bulk state and bulk bands?

I am a bachelor student and I started studying topology and I came across two terms I have never seen before: Bulk band structure and bulk states. Can someone explain these two terms or provide me a ...
Who's user avatar
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Why does particle-hole symmetry in 1D lead to a $Z_2$ topological invariant?

From the well-known AZ Tenfold Classification Table, a 1D system with square-positive particle-hole symmetry belong to class D and hence is characterized by a $Z_2$ topological invariant. I suppose ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Phase freedom of the edge states in topological insulator

Suppose that we consider the BHZ-like Hamiltonian of the form $$ H_{bulk}=\left(M-B k^{2}\right) \tau_{z}-A k_{x} \tau_{y}+A k_{y} \sigma_{z} \otimes \tau_{x} $$ where $\tau_i $ acts on the orbital ...
Jiahao Fan's user avatar
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Homotopy classification in ten-fold way

I am trying to understand algebraic invariants in topological insulators and topological superconductors through homotopy. But I encounter kind of a conceptual question. Let's say we have a second ...
Wong Harry's user avatar

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