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Why do people say that the $\Lambda$-CDM model has six independent parameters?

The Wikipedia article on the $\Lambda$-CDM model says that the model has six "independent parameters". It also says that the model has several "fixed" parameters and several "...
tparker's user avatar
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Name of metric used by Friedmann

In his original paper, Friedmann used the following dynamic and symmetrical metric: $$\mathrm{d}s^2=a(t)^2\left(\mathrm{d}\chi^2+\sin (\chi)^2\left(\mathrm{d}\theta^2+\sin (\theta)^2 \mathrm{d}\phi^2\...
Vincent ISOZ's user avatar
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What is the branch of physics that asks the question 'what was before the Big Bang'?

What is the branch of physics that asks the question 'what was before the Big Bang', assuming the Big Bang is truly what happened at the beginning of the universe? If there could be a better model ...
Bruce M's user avatar
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Origin of the term “physical density parameter” for $\omega_i = \Omega_i h^2$

When measuring cosmological density parameters, the parameters that are actually determined are the combinations $\Omega_i h^2$, sometimes defined as $\omega_i = \Omega_i h^2$, rather than the “plain” ...
Socob's user avatar
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de Sitter space vs de Sitter universe

I have heard of the term de Sitter space. From this post user G. Smith writes, De Sitter spacetime is curved; specifically, it has the same positive scalar curvature at every point. Likewise, when I ...
Maximal Ideal's user avatar
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What do freeze out and freeze in mean in the context of cosmology?

I have read that when the interaction rate is much greater than the Hubble expansion rate a species is in thermal equilibrium the hot plasma, when the interaction rate fall below the Hubble expansion ...
Partha Kumar Paul's user avatar
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What is glass-like in cosmology?

This is from Galaxy Formation and Evolution by Hou-Jun Mo, and this chapter is about numerical simulations of the initial conditions. The cosmological N-body integrator is then used to follow their ...
Wang-Zixun's user avatar
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What does the concept of an "infinite universe" actually mean?

When physicists talk about the universe being infinite, or wondering whether it is or not, what do these two options actually mean? I am not interested whether the universe is infinite or not, I am ...
Nohus's user avatar
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Why is Cauchy horizon named after Cauchy?

I think the title says it all; I have done a lot of Googling, but I could not find the answer. Since (I assume) the concept was discovered after Cauchy's death, I speculate that there is a connection ...
SJ.'s user avatar
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Physical meaning of the space-space components $T^{ij}$ of the stress-energy tensor $T^{\mu\nu}$

The time-time component $T^{00}$ and the time-space components $T^{0i}$ of the energy-momentum tensor $T^{\mu\nu}$ are respectively called the Hamiltonian (energy) density and the momentum density. ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Nature of motion between comoving observers; What is the common time that they agree on? [closed]

This is a set of follow-up questions regarding this post. The following four queries are very closely related and needed to asked at the same place. Question 1 Is it really possible to regard the ...
SRS's user avatar
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How to understand the Planck data?

I want to analyze the Planck data to get relevant Cosmological parameters from it. But I don't know how can I go about this. Can anyone guide me? Online sites/Research papers would be nice. I know ...
Indigo1729's user avatar
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What is Cosmic Downsizing?

I've had a quick look at a few lecture pdfs and papers as supplementals to my own given lecture notes, but I can't seem to get a proper explanation for what cosmic downsizing is. The closest ...
Wrothschild's user avatar
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What's the meaning of canonical and phantom scalar field?

I read in some paper about non-minimal derivative coupling that $\varepsilon = +1$ correspond to canonical scalar field, while $\varepsilon = -1$ corresponds to phantom scalar field. $\varepsilon$ is ...
kyoukai69's user avatar
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The condition for cosmic acceleration

I'm currently writing a review paper on the accelerated expansion of the universe (focussing on scalar field models like quintessence) and was wondering if there is a specific name for the ...
Brudalaxe's user avatar
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