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Product of Majorana operators after a orthogonal transformation

The question I want to ask is the following: There are $N$ Majorana fermion modes: $\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \dots, \gamma_N$, and they satisfy the anti-commutation relation: $\{ \gamma_i, \gamma_j \} = 2\...
Ogawa Chen's user avatar
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Breaking a classical ground state degeneracy by a quantum term and order-by-disorder

Let’s assume we have a Hamiltonian for spin-1/2 particles with two terms, a classical interaction term and a “quantum” (non-diagonal) term. For simplicity, let’s assume that the quantum term is a ...
Kostas's user avatar
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Neel ordering on the square lattice vs mean-field AFM Heisenberg model

Question: It seems like the Neel order of the AFM Heisenberg model on the square lattice is actually stronger than the (bipartite) fully-connected case. This seems counterintuitive. Am I simply wrong ...
Gitef's user avatar
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Static spin structure factor VS equal-time spin structure factor

It looks like many papers (maybe all papers containing "static spin structure factor") use the terminology, static spin structure factor, to refer to the equal-time spin structure factor ...
Yang's user avatar
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Operator inequality between the Heisenberg Hamiltonian and the total spin

Consider a collection of $N$ spin-1/2 particles (qubits) with total spin $$\vec{S} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{n=1}^N \vec{\sigma}_n$$ and a Heisenberg Hamiltonian $$H = -J \sum_{\langle n,m\rangle} \vec{\...
Jess Riedel's user avatar
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Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation generalisation

Considering the following Heisenberg Hamiltonian (with spin $S$ , and $J<0$ for the case of an antiferromagnet) when we only consider interactions between first neighbors in a square lattice in the ...
MicrosoftBruh's user avatar
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Spin Glass Hamiltonian

Why do Edwards and Anderson use the hamiltonian $$ H = \sum_{i,j} J_{ij} \mathbf{s}_i \cdot \mathbf{s}_j $$ to describe the interactions in a spin glass? Naively I would think that from the ...
creillyucla's user avatar
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Conserved charge in Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG)

Currently I am facing a problem which relates to the conserved quantities in DMRG. I use old-fashioned DMRG (Steven White approach) to compute the ground state of certain models. However, the ground ...
Ricky Pang's user avatar
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Why is $\sum_{i=0}^N S_i^z S_{i+1}^z |\uparrow ... \downarrow_n ... \uparrow \rangle = \frac{1}{4}(N-4)$?

I am following these ( lecture notes and I can't understand why given the following XXX Heisenberg hamiltonian $$ \mathcal{H}=\frac{J N}{4}-J \sum_{...
FriendlyLagrangian's user avatar
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Antiferromagnetic chain from Altland/Simons book (p.81)

In Condensed Matter Field Theory (2nd edition) by Altland/Simons there considered antiferromagnetic chain with Hamiltonian: $$H = J\sum_{<n,m>} S_nS_m = J\sum_{<n,m>}[S^{z}_n S^{z}_m + \...
Phys Dag's user avatar
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Are all gapless acoustic magnon modes essentially Goldstone modes?

We know gapless Goldstone mode appears when the system exhibits spontaneously symmetry broken. Does this means whenever we observe gapless acoustic modes it is Goldstone mode i.e. spontaneous symmetry ...
peter meven's user avatar
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Macroscopic properties of individual spins in a material (magnet) - and their behavior under rotations

I am wondering (A) about the influence of individual spins on the behavior of a macroscopic object (B) and about the influence of rotating the macroscopic object on the internal spins To approach ...
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Why the geometrical frustration (spin ice model) has never been studied in superparamagnetic size range?

I'm trying to understand the effect of geometrical frustration in assembly of superparamagnetic nanoparticles but I can't find any reference. Does anyone know how magnetism can be affected by ...
Paniz Rhm's user avatar
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Practical/experimental difference between (quantum) Heisenberg and (classical) Ising model

I have read a few discussions about the difference between the Heisenberg model (using quantum spin operators) and Ising model (with spins $\pm 1$), notably this one or this Quora post. All the ...
petervanya's user avatar
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How do phonons and spinwaves interact? [closed]

What governs the coupling of acoustic phonons to transverse and longitudinal spinwaves? Is there a simple picture?
Superam's user avatar
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