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Equivalent definitions of (dis)continuous phase transitions at criticality

Consider a classical lattice model on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ and suppose that the system undergoes a phase transition as you lower the temperature, i.e., increase $\beta$. The most general definition of a ...
Andrew Yuan's user avatar
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Two-dimensional Ising model for square lattices

Consider Onsager's exact solution of two-dimensional Ising model for square lattices with nearest neighbour interaction energy ‘J ‘being equal in the horizontal and vertical directions. At the ...
sangara's user avatar
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How renormalization allows to describe critical point behaviour using the critical fixed point?

As in the title, I am trying to understand how the critical fixed point (CFP) can be used to derive the thermodynamic singular behavior of the physical critical point (PCP). The context I have in mind ...
Ratman's user avatar
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How can I find the critical dimension for the Blum-Capel model near the tricritical point in mean field theory?

I believe that I have found the critical dimension for the critical temperatures on the critical line (that is, where the second order phase transition occurs), which is $D=4$. This is because the ...
EigenAle's user avatar
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Proof of Mermin-Wagner Theorem

There are many presentations of the proof of the Mermin-Wagner theorem in many different contexts (which talk about quantum vs. classical, existence of unique Gibbs measure or non-zero mean ...
PPR's user avatar
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What is this model? [closed]

Consider the following model in classical statistical mechanics. Take a finite box $\Lambda\subseteq\mathbb{Z}^d$ and consider the field $\phi:\Lambda\to[-1,1]$ whose Gibbs measure is given by $$ \...
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What is short-range antiferromagnetic order?

I know what anti-ferromagnetism is. But in a paper I came across "short-range antiferromagnetic order". Can someone please explain to me what it is.
physu's user avatar
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What is the critical temperature for a BKT transition in the 2D quantum XY model with $S=1$ (not $S=1/2$)?

What is the critical temperature for a BKT transition in the 2D quantum XY model with $S=1$ (not $S=1/2$)? For instance, the classical XY model has KTc/J = 0.898 and the quantum XY model with S=1/2 ...
Yargk's user avatar
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Integrability of a non-integrable quantum spin model at critical point

Is it right, that non-integrable quantum spin models in one dimension become integrable at their critical points? Or do they stay nonintegrable at the critical point also? Are there any examples known?...
Gec's user avatar
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How to quantify frustration for spin models with long range interactions?

Consider the following Hamiltonian: $$ H=-\sum_{i\neq j}J_{ij}S_iS_j-\sum_i H_iS_i $$ where $S_i\in\{-1,1\}$, and the summed pair $i,j$ can be any two distinct indices (not necessary adjacent spins)....
PeaBrane's user avatar
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Why is the critical exponent $\alpha$ negative at the Ising spin-glass transition?

The specific heat usually diverges at a phase transition - typically as a power-law, giving a critical exponent $\alpha > 0$. (Although in 2D, sometimes the divergence is only logarithmic, as with ...
tparker's user avatar
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What is the central charge of the disordered $q$-state Potts model, for large $q$?

The central charge of a model, is, heuristically related to the number of microscopic degrees of freedom. Is there a simple argument for the asymptotic behavior of the central charge for the ...
Srivatsan Balakrishnan's user avatar