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Two-dimensional Ising model for square lattices

Consider Onsager's exact solution of two-dimensional Ising model for square lattices with nearest neighbour interaction energy ‘J ‘being equal in the horizontal and vertical directions. At the ...
sangara's user avatar
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How renormalization allows to describe critical point behaviour using the critical fixed point?

As in the title, I am trying to understand how the critical fixed point (CFP) can be used to derive the thermodynamic singular behavior of the physical critical point (PCP). The context I have in mind ...
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How to quantify frustration for spin models with long range interactions?

Consider the following Hamiltonian: $$ H=-\sum_{i\neq j}J_{ij}S_iS_j-\sum_i H_iS_i $$ where $S_i\in\{-1,1\}$, and the summed pair $i,j$ can be any two distinct indices (not necessary adjacent spins)....
PeaBrane's user avatar
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Why is the critical exponent $\alpha$ negative at the Ising spin-glass transition?

The specific heat usually diverges at a phase transition - typically as a power-law, giving a critical exponent $\alpha > 0$. (Although in 2D, sometimes the divergence is only logarithmic, as with ...
tparker's user avatar
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Is there a spin glass version of Prince Rupert's Drop?

Spin Glasses are known to converge to their ground state under Simulated Annealing. The word choice is especially interesting since annealing is also the name of a process performed on actual glass. ...
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