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Deducing Lorentz representation out of symmetry type

Cross-posted from here Lorentz algebra can be proven to be isomorphic to $\mathfrak{su}(2) \oplus \mathfrak{su}(2)$, so every representation can be denoted by two indices or spins, $(j_1, j_2)$. Let's ...
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What Lorentz covariance has to do with Lorentz invariance? [duplicate]

Does saying that the Dirac equation is invariant under Lorentz transformations is the same as saying that it is Lorentz covariant?
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Symmetry under Lorentz transformation: precise definition

I am studying QFT but I need to fill some gaps in my comprehension of special relativity (I didn't study it very well and I know I still misunderstand things in S.R). In my book it is written: " A ...
StarBucK's user avatar
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Identifying Lorentz Covariant Equations

Statement: $\phi , A^{\mu}, T^{\mu \nu}$ are a Lorentz scalar, vector, and tensor. Which of the following equations are Lorentz covariant. a. $\phi = A_{0}$ b. $\phi = A^{\mu}A_{\mu}$ c. $\phi = ...
user232728's user avatar
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Work out components $F^{01}$ and $F^{ij}$ of the antisymmetric tensor $F^{\mu\nu}$ under the Lorentz Transform [closed]

Work out explicitly how the components $F^{0i}$ and $F^{ij}$ of the antysymmetric tensor $F^{\mu\nu}$ introduced in chapter I.6 transform under a Lorentz transformation This problem is from Zee, ...
Adam Staples's user avatar
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How to prove a symmetric tensor is indeed a tensor?

Our professor defined a rank $(k,l)$ tensor as something that transforms like a tensor as follows: $$T^{\mu_1' \mu_2'...\mu_k'}{}_{\nu_1'\nu_2'...\nu_l'} ~=~ \Lambda^{\mu_1'}{}_{\mu_1}...\Lambda^{\...
Adam Staples's user avatar
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Testing covariance of an expression?

This is something I've been unsure of for a while but still don't quite get. How does one tell whether an expression (e.g. the Dirac equation) is covariant or not? I get it for a single tensor, but ...
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