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Intuition for the interior Killing vector fields in Schwarzschild?

The Schwarzschild metric represents a stationary (and static), spherically-symmetric, spacetime. These characteristics are manifested by the four Killing vector fields: one for time translation and ...
Ben H's user avatar
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Are black holes 4-dimensional balls of spacetime? If so, will they have 3-sphere surfaces?

If black holes are 4-dimensional balls of spacetime, they will have a 3-sphere surface with a 3-dimensional volume. Would this allow infalling matter to remain within this surface?
John Hobson's user avatar
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Sorts of relativistic effect around black holes [closed]

There are many effects around black holes. In particular it is possible to study the motion of geodesics, calculate tidal tensors, lense-thirring effetcs and so on. So, beyond tidal effects, geodesic ...
BasicMathGuy's user avatar
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How to derive the Kerr killing vector?

The Kerr metric have two killing vectors: $$t^{\mu} \equiv (k_{t})^{\mu} = (1,0,0,0)\hspace{5mm} \mathrm{and}\hspace{5mm} \phi^{\mu} \equiv (k_{\phi})^{\mu} = (0,0,0,1). \tag{1}$$ In general, it is ...
M.N.Raia's user avatar
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Why does Leonard Susskind draw constant time slices around a black hole as lines passing through the origin at zero?

In this video Inside Black Holes by Leonard Susskind, why does he draw the constant time slice as lines passing through the origin at zero? Something seems to be contradicting to have constant time ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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How can existence of a timelike Killing field imply a metric that is independent of time coordinate?

I have read that the existence of an arbitrary timelike killing field implies that we can find some coordinates such that metric is independent of time in that coordinates. For me independence of ...
Timur9717's user avatar
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Trajectory of photons in Schwarzschild coordinates 2D + t

I'm french and my english is awfull, excuse me for this. I hope you could however understand my question. I'm looking for a formula of trajectory of photons in Schwarzschild coordinates. For example ...
Mailou75's user avatar
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How are different metrics for spacetime constructed?

is a metric something derived? for example where does the extremal Reissner Nordstrom metric come from?
ashtonnll's user avatar
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Gravitation function (or space-time distorsion variation) below Schwarzschild radius

Let's consider a massive sphere (with an approximate constant density, not charged, not rotating, no anti-matter for example an Earth simplified model). On the outside of this sphere, $g(r) = \alpha/{...
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