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-1 votes
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If the method of FTL cannot be observed, does it still break causality [duplicate]

So, say we discover a method of FTL. However, anyone or anything that makes use of this FTL is unable to be observed by the outside world. For example. In the year 3000 a ship leaves Earth headed 6 ...
rclev's user avatar
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Black holes, and faster than light communication

Lets say we have a black hole that has a diameter > 1 light year and we can somehow push and pull this black hole {though the push and pull itself can never exceed lightspeed of course}.Will the other ...
Mephistophilus's user avatar
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Is spacetime really not physical? [closed]

This question has nothing to do with the expansion of space or the speed of the expansion. I do understand that space expansion is not constrained by the speed of light limit, but I am not asking ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
-4 votes
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Aging while traveling faster than speed of light? [closed]

theoretically, if organic matter was able to travel faster than the speed of light, without becoming "pure energy", and since theoretically traveling faster then the speed of light would travel ...
User37849012643's user avatar
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How does going faster than light cause going backward in time? [duplicate]

I have read in many places that some virtual particles can "travel faster than light (1)" and thereby "go backwards in time (2)". My question is about the connection between these two. I have always ...
trxrg's user avatar
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How come no information can travel faster than light when we can measure a black hole's mass? [duplicate]

So I learned about the Schwartzchild radius, which is the radius of an object's event horizon. But how we define an event horizon is that it's a region of space where the gravitational acceleration ...
TheOrbitHeart's user avatar
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What can you say about an event outside your Light-Cone? [closed]

I'm taking a Special Relativity course and lately I've been wondering about this thing for some time. Imagine I'm at the origin of my spacetime lattice (hope I can say this), and I've synchronized ...
Gabriele Scarlatti's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can we travel faster than the speed of light? [duplicate]

So my question is completely a theoritical question. For example i have a stick made of the strongest material and lightest material and its lenght is as long as the solar system's diameter. The end ...
Bhavesh's user avatar
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Superluminal travel without time travel

Can superluminal travel or communication be possible without leading to the possibility of closed timelike curves (CTCs) and causality violations? I have seen conflicting opinions regarding this ...
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