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Can you calculate the radius of a hypothetical singular surface inside a black hole from observing changes to its linear momentum?

Say there is a ball of unknown radius surrounded by a bubble. The ball represents a hypothetical singular surface inside a black hole and the bubble represents the event horizon. If you threw marbles ...
user414142's user avatar
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Binary black hole merging condition

Assuming two black holes with the same rest mass $m$ collid coming from infinity with velocity $v$ and impact parameter $b$. Lets ignore spin at first. For which values of $v$ and $b$ would these ...
Okarin's user avatar
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Charge separation equilibrium equation for non-rotating blackhole at Eddington limit with spherically symmetric accretion?

What is the formula for equilibrium charge on a non-rotating black hole with spherically symmetric hydrogen-1 inflow at the Eddington limit of luminosity based on photon scattering acceleration of ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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Point of no return with two nearly colliding black holes [duplicate]

Consider two black holes traveling near the speed of light towards each other. No rotation, charge or other complexities and they are of equal mass. They move at near the speed of light towards each ...
Dan Wood's user avatar
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An equation satisfied by harmonic coordinates in a Schwarzschild spacetime

(Full disclosure, this is very much a "fish out of water" type situation: I'm working on something in an area very far away from the stuff I usually work with, so this is hopefully something ...
Rosa Luxemberg's user avatar
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Black Hole S-Matrix

I am reading arXiv:2006.03606 where through Eq. (1.1) they say that the transition amplitude for collapse of matter from initial state $\Psi_{i}$ into a black hole and eventually evaporation of black ...
self.grassmanian's user avatar
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What is the Critical impact parameter for photons of a black hole?

What is the "Critical impact parameter" for photons of a Black hole with a Radius $r$? Here I'm defing the Critical impact parameter $C$ as the value such that. A photon with an impact ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Relation of specific angular momentum $h$ with velocity and impact parameter for massive particle?

I am computing the path of an incoming massive (!!) particle with speed $v$ far from the black hole in the schwarzchild metric. To determine its path, i need to input the specific angular momentum ...
user11339690's user avatar
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Scattering in Black Holes

Let's take your favorite Black Hole and consider the scattering problem for a scalar field around it. Suppose that the Klein-Gordon equation can be separated in the radial and the angular part. Which ...
Julian BA's user avatar
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Scaling dimension in Kerr/CFT

Let's consider the scattering of a scalar field around a Kerr-AdS Black Hole. In terms of the Kerr/CFT correspondence how can I get the relation between the scaling dimension and the mass of the field ...
Julian BA's user avatar
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Will a black hole cause scattering of a gravitational wave?

In my GR textbook, it states that gravitational waves can undergo interference but not scattering. I am just starting the chapter on linearised gravity concepts (weak field approximation) and my ...
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Why an infinitely measuring apparatus in gravity is not possible?

In the discussion of the amplituhedron paper (arXiv:1312.2007), there is the following discussion in paragraph 14.outlook (page 28): Quantum mechanics forces us to divide the world in two pieces - ...
Voltaire12811's user avatar
14 votes
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What is the capture cross-section of a black hole region for ultra-relativistic particles?

What is the capture cross-section of a black hole region for ultra-relativistic particles? I have read that it is $$\sigma ~=~ \frac{27}{4}\pi R^{2}_{s}$$ for a Schwarzschild BH in the geometric ...
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