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Restricted 3-body: one large mass and two smaller ones

A restricted 3-body problem is usually understood as two large bodies and one much smaller one that doesn't affect the motion of the other two. I am curious about a 3-body problem with one large body, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Book recommendation for classical Newtonian gravity

I’m looking for a good textbook that covers Newtonian Gravity in detail (preferably advanced undergrad/grad level). One that covers important things like Calculating trajectories of satellites around ...
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Applications of Hamiltonian formalism in classical or celestial mechanics

I am looking for a reference (or just a brief explanation) to applications of the Hamiltonian formalism to classical mechanics, e.g. to planetary motion. In all known to me textbooks on classical ...
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Where can I find the true anomaly of the planets on Jan 1st 2000?

I am trying to code a simulation of the solar system. At present, all the orbits seem correct but I'm placing the planets at their respective periapses at the start of the simulation so the relative ...
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1 answer

Rigorous Limit Derivation of Kepler's Second Law

I'm wondering if anyone can provide me with a more rigorous derivation of Kepler's second law. I looked this up online and couldn't find anything more rigorous than the usual. I'm reading Taylor's ...
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2 answers

Good sources to get velocity/position vectors for all planets and moons in the Solar System for building an orbital simulator?

I’m building an $N$-body simulator, and I have everything ready to begin simulating. But my issue is is that I have no idea how to get all the starting positions and velocities for the celestial ...
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1 answer

Numerical integration of Schwarzschild geodesic equations [closed]

I'm interested in numerically integrating the geodesic equations of motion for a test particle in Schwarzschild geometry. Before I even begin the process I'm quite confused about what the results will ...
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0 answers


When I had a Mac back at JPL in the 80's, I had software that allowed me to enter the mass and X, Y velocity vectors for a number of bodies. It was fun to play with. Is there anything like that out ...
15 votes
3 answers

Are there any exact data about Earth's orbit?

Wikipedia says that the Earth's orbit's axis is $a=149\ 598\ 000\ \mathrm{km}$ and its eccentricity is $e=0.016\ 7086$, but if we use these values to find distance at aphelion and perihelion we get $...
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0 answers

Is there any free open source planetary orbit simulator software?

I need a free open source planetary orbit simulator software that should be able to calculate orbit stability for a couple simple planetary systems. Basically, I need to calculate orbit durations for ...
4 votes
4 answers

Table of matrix elements of powers of $r$ for radial functions in $H$ atom

Im looking for some references here. I hope it is the right place to ask. I need to find a table of (or a formula from which to extrapolate) the matrix elements of the radial functions of the hydrogen ...