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Role of the natural temperature scale in the anomalous dimension of the renormalization group

In David Tong's lecture notes on statistical field theory, the concept of anomalous dimensions is introduced by considering the scaling of the correlation function $$\langle \phi(\mathbf{x}) \phi(\...
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Why do some superconductors have a large $λ$ but a low $T_c$? Is it because mass renormalization dominates in these systems?

We know some superconductors have a large λ, but a low $T_c$. Some have a small λ but a high $T_c$. Why are they different? From the Eliashberg equations, we know the renormalization function is ...
ming xia's user avatar
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Is flowing with RG in 1D Ising model equivalent to changing the temperature of the system

Let us consider the easiest form of the Ising Hamiltonian: $$ \beta H(s_i; J) = -J\sum_i^N s_i s_{i+1} $$ ($\beta = 1/k_BT$ so we already defined $J = \tilde{J}/k_BT$ with $\tilde{J}$ constant). ...
szantag's user avatar
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What is the experimental evidence that the gravitational constant $G$ runs with energy (or temperature)?

Various papers on quantum field theory claim that $G$ runs with energy, like the fine structure constant does. Some examples: Frolov, Fursaev and Zelnikov, Nucl.Phys. B486, 339 (1997) Volovik and ...
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Renormalization group flow when temperature $T < T_C$, $T_C$ being critical point temperature

Does renormalization group flow have to decrease temperature when $T<T_C$, with $T_C$ being critical point temperature? I think not, but my professor suggests something like that. Maybe I ...
Marier Faula's user avatar
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Finite-Temperature $\phi^{4}$ theory - Why is the massless $T\neq 0$ contribution diverging?

I'm following Chapter 3 of Kapusta and Gale's Finite-Temperature Field Theory here. I'm considering the following integral (the unrenormalized self-energy evaluated at zero-four momentum): $$ \...
QuantumEyedea's user avatar
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Temperature and Renormalization Scale in QFT

A particle physicist told me that everything in Peskin & Schroder is at zero temperature, and once you consider finite-$T$ QFT, things become more complicated. Meanwhile, I sometimes see people ...
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