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Universality and continuous variation of critical exponent close to a tricritical point

A tricritical point is a point at which a second order transition line and a first order transition line merge. At equilibrium, this point can be described by a landau potential (see for example this ...
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Role of the natural temperature scale in the anomalous dimension of the renormalization group

In David Tong's lecture notes on statistical field theory, the concept of anomalous dimensions is introduced by considering the scaling of the correlation function $$\langle \phi(\mathbf{x}) \phi(\...
Jasper's user avatar
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Can the Wilson-Fisher fixed point be reached from the massless $\phi^4$ action?

Most textbooks and papers work out the derivation of the Wilson-Fisher fixed point for $\phi^4$ starting from the massive action (in Euclidean space) $$S = \int d^d x \biggl( \frac{1}{2} \partial_\mu \...
Pxx's user avatar
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Anomalous dimension must be positive in Ginzburg-Landau $\phi^4$-like theories?

I am trying to understand/find the argument behind a claim made in this paper (page 3, column 1): that the anomalous dimension/exponent $\eta$ of a continuous phase transition in Ginzburg-Landu $\phi^...
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New Universality Classes and Multiple Transition Points in Systems [closed]

I'm currently exploring several concepts related to universality classes, phase transitions, and critical phenomena. My questions revolve around the comprehensiveness of universality classes, the ...
Hakan Akgün's user avatar
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Is renormalization different to just ignoring infinite expressions?

Looking into textbooks, I got the impression in renormalization perturbation theory one adds counterterms to the Lagrangian to cancel terms (usually integrals) that are infinite. My question is, could ...
hansel's user avatar
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Is the lattice spacing $a$ a dangerously irrelevant parameter?

Near a renormalization group fixed point, we can perform a scale transformation of length $L' = b^{-1} L$. In this case the relative lattice spacing should transform as $a' = b^{-1} a$. After $n$ ...
gene's user avatar
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Extra term in $2+\epsilon$ expansion of sigma model

I'm working through David Tong's notes on Statistical Field Theory, in particular the $2+\epsilon$ expansion of the sigma model with free energy $$F[\vec{n}]=\int d^dx \frac{1}{2e^2}\nabla\vec{n}\cdot\...
acernine's user avatar
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How renormalization allows to describe critical point behaviour using the critical fixed point?

As in the title, I am trying to understand how the critical fixed point (CFP) can be used to derive the thermodynamic singular behavior of the physical critical point (PCP). The context I have in mind ...
Ratman's user avatar
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Connection between the $\beta$-function and critical exponents

In my recent readings in QFT, I came across the fact that there is a connection between critical exponents in thermodynamics and the $\beta$-function of the renormalization group flow. Does anybody ...
jabru's user avatar
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Zeros of multiplicative wave function renormalization

It is probably needless to recall here that the Reimann zeta function $$\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty n^{-s}$$ and its generalizations are among the central objects of study in mathematics. The main open ...
critical_Exponent's user avatar
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Dynamical critical exponent in stochastic vector model

For stochastic $O(N)$ model given by: $$S[\psi,\phi]=\int \frac{d\omega\, dk^D}{(2\pi)^{D+1}} \left( \vec{\psi}(-k,-\omega).\vec{\phi}(k,\omega) \left(-i\omega + \gamma k^2+r \right) -2T\vec{\psi}(-k,-...
Hossein's user avatar
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"Quantum" hyperscaling relation from a Renormalization Group (RG) viewpoint

Through the RG method, one can obtain the hyperscaling relation between the critical exponents of classical second-order phase transitions: \begin{equation} 2-\alpha=\nu d \end{equation} In the case ...
Karim Chahine's user avatar
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Connection Between Renormalization Group and Phase Transitions

I have a couple of questions on the relation of RG and phase transitions. I've heard in many sources that the theory of most transitions (excluding novel phase transitions like Quantum Critical ...
Tabin's user avatar
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Dimensionless vs. dimensional RG-Flow equations

When one writes down RG-Flow equations for any theory, at some point one encounters statements like "It is useful to properly rescale the above exact flow equations and rewrite them in ...
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