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Questions tagged [relative-motion]

Use this tag for questions related to how objects move relative to other objects dependent on your frame of reference, and how this applies to special relativity.

3 votes
2 answers

Relative velocity of sound

Relative velocity of sound. As I know that speed of sound in medium is property of medium. And independent of source motion but depend on motion of audience or observer and motion of medium. But it ...
Rahul's user avatar
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4 answers

Revolution of Earth [duplicate]

If all motion is relative, how do we know that the Earth revolves around the sun? Or we are just making the above statement from the frame of reference in which Sun is at the origin?
Nix's user avatar
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3 votes
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Evidence for expansion of space [duplicate]

If I understand correctly, Einstein's theory of General Relativity predicted the expansion of space itself, and Hubble confirmed this prediction by observing the red shift of receding galaxies. I ...
Jeff F's user avatar
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2 answers

Origin of motion and relative speed of bodies in the universe

Charged particles can hit the earth at relativistic speeds. But it seems that all large bodies have fairly low relative speed. Of course, speed can increase considerably when a body orbits close to a ...
babou's user avatar
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Relative Velocity problem

I was solving many problems on relative velocity and observed that when the question asks, "what is the minimum time taken by the boat/man to cross the river.?" so the solution says that he should ...
Saurabh Raje's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is there a closed form solution to the Esdale river problem?

This is probably not well known problem but it looks like open problem. What kind of methods there are to find a closed form solution to the physical situation? Can you solve this problem? You're ...
curious's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

There must be free positive charges, moving oppositely to electrons for the wire with current to stay neutral

All popular expositions (e.g. these ones) of relativistic electromagnetism claim univocally that electrons in motion become more dense due to the speed. They teach that Lorentz contraction of charges ...
Val's user avatar
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-3 votes
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man walking in rain:relative velocity [closed]

A man walking in rain at a speed of 3kmph find rain to be falling vertically. When he increases his speed to 6 kmph, he finds rain meeting him at an angle of 45 deg to the vertical. What is the ...
Saurabh Raje's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Distance versus drop

Why if the earth is spinning at 1000mph a person falls from 10 stories his body didn't land about 1.4 miles away but right down as if the earth didn't spin at all
Terrance Riggs's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Inertial Frames of Reference - Inertial vs. Accelerated Frames

According to Robert Resnick's book "Introduction to Special Relativity", a line states the following as the definition of an inertial frame of reference: "We define an inertial system as a frame of ...
Ram Sidharth's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Reality error and relative velocity

Suppose a person is walking in rain carrying an umbrella. He is tilting his umbrella at some angle with the vertical so as to protect himself from the rain. But a neutral observer who is standing ...
Four Seasons's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does a fly get brought up to speed with a bus?

Consider a scenario where a bus is moving at a constant speed and a fly enters through a window,the fly is also flying at a constant speed. Since the bus is not in contact with the fly and neither is ...
sin's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

A fly in an accelerating car

A fly is flying around in a car, the fly never touches any surface in the car only fly’s around in the air inside the car. The car accelerates. does the fly slam in to the rear window. or does the fly ...
Fly's user avatar
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Is there a stationary frame of reference?

My understanding of relativity is at the beginner level, so please bear with me to help a beginner to understand. Something which I don't understand is consider if you travel close to the speed of ...
Phil's user avatar
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5 answers

Earth moves how much under my feet when I jump?

If I'm standing at the equator, jump, and land 1 second later, the Earth does NOT move 1000mph (or .28 miles per second) relative to me, since my velocity while jumping is also 1000mph. However, ...
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