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Path integral at large time

From the path integral of a QFT: $$Z=\int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]}$$ What is a nice argument to say that when we study the theory at large time $T$, this behaves as: $$ Z \to e^{-TE_0} $$ where $E_0$ is the ...
BVquantization's user avatar
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physical interpratation of partition function in Quantym field theory

Partition function in Statistical mechanics is given by $$ Z = \sum_ne^{-\beta E_n} $$ For QFT, it is defined in terms of a path integral: $$ Z = \int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]} $$ How can we see the relation ...
BVquantization's user avatar
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Chern-Simons theory: Connection between Thermal and Quantum Partition Function

I have been reading the Quantum Hall Effect from Prof. David Tong's notes. In the section on Chern-Simons theory, he describes the connection between the Thermal Partition Function and the Quantum ...
harshit_'s user avatar
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What is the action of fermionic Hamiltonian $\mu_1 n_1 + \mu_2 n_2 + U n_1 n_2$

Problem Consider a Hamiltonian \begin{equation} H(c^\dagger, c) = \mu_1 c_1^\dagger c_1 + \mu_2 c_2^\dagger c_2 + U c_1^\dagger c_1 c_2^\dagger c_2\,, \end{equation} where $c_i$ are fermionic ...
Michał Jan's user avatar
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Examples of Path integral $\neq$ Partition function?

Are there any systems we know of whose partition function is not simply Wick rotation of the path integral? Does anyone know of any examples?
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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Landau Ginzburg path integral (PI) for the Ising model at gaussian order

I am stick with a problem in computing explicitely the gaussian PI in the Landau-Ginzburg theory for the Ising model. If we do a procedure of coarse graining, we can define $m(x)$ as a continuous ...
Federico De Matteis's user avatar
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Generating functional for fields with non-zero expectation value

When doing QFT or statistical field theory of, say $N$ scalar fields $\varphi_i$, we consider the the generating functional $$ W[J] = - \ln Z[J], \quad Z[J] = \int \mathcal D \varphi \, e^{-S[\varphi] ...
Martin Johnsrud's user avatar
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Thermodynamic free energy of interacting system

This question concerns an interacting system's thermodynamic free energy $\Omega$. Generally speaking, The action $S$ for an interacting system has the following form: \begin{equation} S(\phi,\psi) = ...
Mass's user avatar
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Is the path integral emergent?

I have recently read a couple of papers on lattice QCD and found that there is a well-established connection between Boltzmann distribution and the path integral in QFT (disclaimer: I am not a huge ...
Aleksei Malyshev's user avatar
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Connection between a saddle point approximation and plain perturbation theory

I am currently studying functional integration in the context of classical and quantum equilibrium thermodynamics. However one thing puzzles me: In the book "Phase Transitions and Renormalization ...
user203417's user avatar
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Is the Euclidean generating functional $Z_{E}[J]$ identified with original Minkowskian generating functional $Z[J]$?

In quantum field theory, it is common to perform wick rotation $t\rightarrow -i\tau$ and get Euclidean generating functional $Z_{E}[J]$. When I first studied QFT, I just saw this a magic trick to ...
user35734's user avatar
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Can the QFT path integral be re-expressed using a real, positive-definite function of the action? [duplicate]

This question is based on my rather shaky grasp of QFT, so if I'm missing a key concept then just let me know! If you're deriving the Schrodinger equation from the path integral as Feynman did, then ...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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How to find the QM propagator for more general quadratic theories? (and why didn't my attempts work?)

The Problem I'm working on a problem using the Path Integral approach to quantum mechanics. Actually, more accurately I'm interested in the Wick rotated version of the problem, so I suppose ...
Tom Lowe's user avatar
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Average value of creation and annihilation operators - are these two expressions the same?

Suppose we want to study many-fermions quantum mechanics on a lattice, so we start with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ and go to its Fock space $\mathcal{F}_{\text{fer}}(\mathcal{H})$...
MathMath's user avatar
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Clarification regarding the terminology of Microstates

I would like to understand how microstates are defined or used in physics. Are microstates suppose to only mean eigenvalues of a given observable (or a generator of symmetry)? The reason for my ...
Dr. user44690's user avatar

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