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How to derive the long range behavior of XY model?

In a lecture note (Lec 23) by Sachdev (, he considers a model $$Z=\int D\theta(x)\,exp(-\frac{K}{2\pi}\int d^{2}x\,(\nabla_x\theta)^2),$$...
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Zeros of multiplicative wave function renormalization

It is probably needless to recall here that the Reimann zeta function $$\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty n^{-s}$$ and its generalizations are among the central objects of study in mathematics. The main open ...
critical_Exponent's user avatar
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Connection Between Renormalization Group and Phase Transitions

I have a couple of questions on the relation of RG and phase transitions. I've heard in many sources that the theory of most transitions (excluding novel phase transitions like Quantum Critical ...
Tabin's user avatar
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Conformal invariance and phase transitions?

At a second-order phase transition, a system exhibits fluctuations at any length scale. In such a scale-invariant regime, all the properties of the system follow specific scaling forms. Close to a ...
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Definition of linear and non-linear dynamic susceptibility

This question originates from the definition of linear and non-linear dynamic susceptibility in Uwe Tauber’s book “Critical Dynamics: A Field Theory Approach to Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Scaling ...
FaDA's user avatar
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Correlation length and renormalization group

In Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics there's following block of information: I have some misunderstanding of some ideas. 1) How to define correlation length for arbitrary theory? I ...
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Various questions on renormalization in lattice systems

Forgive the long, multi questioned-question. The setting of this question is inspired by this answer. Consider some theory on a lattice, for example the 2D $0$-field Ising model $$H=-K\sum_{\langle i,...
user2723984's user avatar
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Relation between scaling dimension and critical exponents for harmonic peturbations in $O(N)$ Wilson-Fisher (WF) in an old paper

I am reading the paper "Harmonic perturbations of generalized Heisenberg spin systems" (D J Wallace and R K P Zia, 1975) - . The ...
Gabriel 's user avatar
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Behavior in renormalization group flow that reaches critical point

First question. Does correlation length in renormalization group flow has to be infinite when it eventually reaches critical point? Second question. Why does renormalization group flow keep partition ...
Marier Faula's user avatar
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What's about the critical exponents and RG flow in upper critical dimension $D=4$?

We know when $D>4$, i.e. $D$ larger than upper critical dimension, then critical exponents are exactly same as the ones of mean field . When $D<4$, critical exponents are not given correctly by ...
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Critical exponents and scaling dimensions from RG theory

In most books (like Cardy's) relations between critical exponents and scaling dimensions are given, for example $$ \alpha = 2-d/y_t, \;\;\nu = 1/y_t, \;\; \beta = \frac{d-y_h}{y_t}$$ and so on. Here $...
PhysicsStudent's user avatar
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The relation between critical surface and the (renormalization) fixed point

In the book, I read some remarks about the criticality: Iterations of the renormalization (group) map generate a sequence of points in the space of couplings, which we call a renormalization group ...
Wein Eld's user avatar
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Applicability of Cardy's "doubling trick" to the 2D Ising Model

In Section 11.2.2 of the book on Conformal Field Theory by di Francesco, Mathieu, and Senechal (page 417), the two point function on the Upper Half Plane is written as being equal to the four point ...
leastaction's user avatar
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Upper critical dimension in field theory

Is there field theory which describe a second-order phase transition without upper critical dimension? Mermin-Wagner says something about lower critical dimension but nothing about upper dimension.
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