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Calculating LSZ reduction for higher order in fields terms

Consider a theory with only a single massless scalar field $\phi(x)$ and a current $J^\mu(x)$ which can be polynomially expanded as fields and their derivatives and spacetime \begin{align} J^\mu(x) = ...
Mmmao 's user avatar
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Quantization of a massless scalar

Let $t$:time, $r$:distance, and $u=t-r$. Since any massless particle should propagate along u=const. , we need to change the asymptotic infinity of a massless scalar from time infinity to null ...
gerogero's user avatar
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LSZ theorem for trivial scattering

The $1\to1$ scattering amplitude is trivial and is given by (take massless scalars for simplicity) $$ \tag{1} \langle O(\vec{p}) O^\dagger(\vec{p}\,')\rangle = (2 | \vec{p}\,|) (2\pi)^{D-1} \delta^{(...
stringynonsense's user avatar
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$S$-matrix from interacting picture

I’ve been reading a lot about the interaction picture, and I’m trying to string the ideas behind it together. Essentially, the goal is to calculate something like $<f(\infty)|i(-\infty)>$. We ...
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Vacuum, creation and annihilation operators in interacting QFT

I am reading the QFT book by M. Schwartz. More specifically, I have issues with the section about LSZ. I am puzzled with the way the creation and annihilation operators from the free theory act there. ...
Dr.Yoma's user avatar
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LSZ reduction formula for scalar field

I am using Schwartz QFT and the LSZ reduction formula at pp 70. The scalar field was written as $$ \phi(x)=\phi(\vec{x}, t)=\int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \omega_p}}\left[a_p(t) e^{-i p ...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Proof of boost generator $K_0$ commute with $S$-matix in Weinberg QFT 1

In Weinberg QFT Vol.1, Weinberg defines a boost operator K when there exists an interaction $V$ as $$\textbf{K}=\textbf{K}_0+\textbf{W}, \tag{3.3.20}$$ where $\textbf{W}$ is expected as a correction ...
tya's user avatar
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Derivation in LSZ Reduction Formula

In deriving the LSZ formula, a crucial step is to show $$\langle|a_{p}^{\dagger}|\rangle=-i\int dx^0 \int \mathrm{d}^{3} x \partial_{0}\langle | e^{-i p\cdot x} \overleftrightarrow{\partial_{0}} \phi(...
Sofvar's user avatar
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Confusion about in and out states, interacting Hilbert space etc, referring to Weinberg QFT

There are many posts related to this issue on this site, but I have found none that answer my specific questions about this matter. I review my understanding of Weinbergs approach. There are probably ...
jkb1603's user avatar
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In the derivation of LSZ formula, why do we need $\langle k| \phi(0)|0 \rangle =1$? (Srednicki's book)

In the section 5 of the book, it says The LSZ formula is valid provided that the field obeys $$\langle 0|\phi(x)|0\rangle=0, \langle k|\phi(x)|0\rangle=1.$$ The second one is needed to ensure one-...
Sven2009's user avatar
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Dyson's formula $\phi^4$ theory

I have some difficulties when calculating the amplitude of a S-matrix using Wick's theorem. The evolution of the $U$-matrix is \begin{align} U(t, t_0) = T \exp(-i\int_{t_0}^{t}H_I(t') dt')=1 - i\int_{...
M91's user avatar
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Localised wavepacket (basic question from Srednicki chap. 5)

I'm currently working through Srednicki and I am confused by a couple of lines in chap. 5 (the LSZ reduction formula). He wants a wavepacket localised around $\mathbf{k = k}_1$ and $\mathbf{x} = 0$ at ...
quixot's user avatar
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$\phi^4$-theory, S-matrix Feynman diagram to first order from Peskin and Schroeder

This relates to page 111 in Peskin and Schroeder. We have the $\phi^4$ S-matrix for a 2-particle to 2-particle scattering reaction: $$-i\frac{\lambda}{4!}\int d^4x \langle p_1p_2|\mathcal T\left(\phi(...
Charlie's user avatar
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On the creation of wave packets with particular properties in quantum field theory

At the start of chapter 5 of Mark Srednicki's lecture notes on quantum field theory we define an operator that creates a particle that is "localised in momentum space near $\mathbf {k_1}$, and ...
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Confusion on wave packet and creation operator in Mark Srednicki's book

In Mark Srednicki's QFT book, section $5$, he mentions following things: $a^{\dagger}({\bf k})$ creates a particle with momentum $k$ and is given by \begin{equation} a^{\dagger}(k)=-i\int d^3x [e^{ikx}...
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