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Why does the mass term not violate particle number conservation in a free theory?

The Lagrangian of a free real scalar field theory is $$ \mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2} \partial_{\mu} \phi\; \partial^{\mu} \phi \; - \frac{1}{2} m^2 \phi^2. $$ If we decompose $\phi$ in terms of the ...
ratchet411's user avatar
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Total momentum operator of the Klein-Gordon field (before limit to the continuum)

I'm following K. Huang's QFT: From Operators to Path Integrals book. In the second chapter, he introduces the Klein-Gordon equation (KGE), and its scalar field $\phi(x)$, which satisfies this equation....
SweetTomato's user avatar
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What does a quantized field in QFT do? [duplicate]

I'm studying for an exam called Introduction to QFT. One of the main topics in this class is the quantized free fields. I can now find the fields that solve the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac ...
BBBZZZ's user avatar
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Multi-particle Hamiltonian for the free Klein-Gordon field

The text I am reading (Peskin and Schroeder) gives the Hamiltonian for the free Klein-Gordon field as: $$H=\int {d^3 p\over (2\pi)^3}\; E_p\; a^{\dagger}_{\vec p}a_{\vec p}$$ This does not seem to be ...
Albertus Magnus's user avatar
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On creation annihilation operators of the free Klein-Gordon field [closed]

I want to calculate multiparticle states like $|\vec p,\vec p\rangle$ from $|0\rangle$. It seems that I would need to compute from things like: $a^{\dagger}_{\vec p}a^{\dagger}_{\vec p}|0\rangle$? It ...
Albertus Magnus's user avatar
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Commutator of conjugate momentum and field for complex field QFT

In Peskin & Schroeder's Introduction to QFT problem 2.2a), we are asked to find the equations of motion of the complex scalar field starting from the Lagrangian density. I want to show that: $$i\...
Nick Heumann's user avatar
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Clarification Needed for The Klein-Gordon Field Acting on the Vacuum State (Peskin and Schroeder)

In Peskin and Schroesder's Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, section 2.3, the Klein Gordon Field has the expression $$ \phi(x,t) := \int \frac{d^{3}p}{(2\pi)^{3}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_{p}}} [a_{...
user480172's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does the QFT Klein-Gordon equation describe the state of the field or the field operator?

In the canonical quantization of QFT we talk about: states representing a field. field operators. The quantum Klein-Gordon equation is expressed in terms of the field φ. Is φ (in the equation) the ...
TrentKent6's user avatar
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Confusion related to creation and annihilation operators

I'm studying QFT from Peskin and from the book by Ashok Das, and there seems to be a disagreement between the creation and annihilation operators, for the scalar Klein Gordon field theory. In Das, we ...
Nakshatra Gangopadhay's user avatar
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Total momentum operator for the KG field

This question pertains to Equation (2.33) in Peskin and Schroeder: $$ \hat{\vec P}=-\int d^3\!x\,\hat\pi(\vec x)\vec\nabla\hat\phi(\vec x)=\int d^3\!p\,\vec p\,\hat a_{\vec p}^\dagger\,\hat a_{\vec p} ...
hodop smith's user avatar
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Derive the KG field operator in terms of ladder operators

In Peskin and Schroeder, they skip a few steps to arrive at the KG field operator in Equation (2.25): $$ \hat\phi(\vec x)=\int\dfrac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_{\vec p}}}\left(\hat a_{\vec ...
hodop smith's user avatar
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Why do we drop the renormalization term in momentum Klein-Gordon Field Theory?

I'm following Peskin & Schroeder's book on QFT. I managed to prove expression (2.33) which gives us the 3-momentum operator for the Klein-Gordon Theory: $$\mathbf{P}=\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\...
Nick Heumann's user avatar
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QFT Formalism, Relation between different POVs

A Klein-Gordon field on a Minkowski background can be written in the following expansion $$ \hat{\phi}(x) = \int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2E_p}} (\hat{a}_p e^{-ip x} + \hat{a}^\dagger_p e^{...
Ef00's user avatar
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How does the Klein-Gordon equation represent a classical field? [duplicate]

This is what I know about the Klein-Gordon equation so far. Suppose we are working with natural units such that $c = 1$. Then we may obtain the Klein-Gordon equation by considering any 4-vector $p^\mu ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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What's the rationale of replacing the Fourier coefficients in a field expansion by operators?

Let's take a look on the particular case of the Fourier expansion of the Klein-Gordon field: $$\psi (x,t) = \int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{2E_0(p)}[a(p)e^{i(E_0(p)t-px)}+a^\star (p)e^ {-i(E_0(p)t-...
Gerald's user avatar
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