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Noether charge for dilatations in terms of creation and anihilation operators

I am trying to compute the conserved charge for a continuous diatation symmetry for the massless real scalar field in four dimensions terms of creation and annihilation operators. Then I have, $$\...
Gabriel Palau's user avatar
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Beta function from renormalized coupling

While trying to derive a specific beta function for a CFT a stumbled upon the following. I have some bare coupling $g_b$ and introduce a renormalized coupling $g$ as $$g_b=\mu^\epsilon(g+\frac{zg^2}{\...
dorrel's user avatar
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Mode expansion using generalised Fourier transform

I'm looking at a generalised Lagrangian $L = \frac{1}{2} \left[\dot{\phi}² + \phi \mathcal{D} \phi\right]$, where $\mathcal{D}u_n = -\omega_n²u_n$, where $\left\{ u_n | n \in \mathbb{Z} \right\}$ span ...
hodjafrapjort's user avatar
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Overall constant for the scalar propagator in AdS background

I am trying to solve Exercise 3.3 in TASI Lectures on AdS/CFT by João Penedones. It is solving for the scalar propagator $\Pi(X,Y)$ in AdS, and states as follows: $$ \begin{align} \frac{1}{2} J_{AB}J^...
Quantumaction's user avatar
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Traceless energy momentum tensor and energy spectrum

We have a $D$ dimensional flat minkowskian spacetime, and a field theory with $T_{\mu \nu}$ symmetric, traceless ($T^{\mu}_{\mu} = 0 $) and conserved ($\partial^{\mu} T_{\mu \nu} = 0$). We also assume ...
PPIP's user avatar
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Commutation relations for a CFT

Exercise To calculate the commutator $[L_m ; \phi_n]$ where: $$T(z) = \sum \frac{L_m}{z^{m+2}} \hspace{5mm} and \hspace{5mm} \phi(w) = \sum \phi_n \frac{1}{w^{n+h}} \tag{1}$$ using contour ...
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Question solving tensor problems for the Special Conformal Killing Equation

Background I know that following index notation, these are true: $$\partial_\mu x^\nu = \delta^\mu _\nu \hspace{5mm} and \hspace{5mm} \partial_\mu x_\nu = \eta_{\mu\nu} \tag{1}$$ Exercise Knowing ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Is it valid to change the order of tensors by changing their sign?

Can I change the order of tensors in an equation by changing their sign? So for example if I have something like: $$-x^2\partial_\nu \partial_\mu $$ Can I do the following? $$-x^2\partial_\nu \...
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How do I get from the conformal transformation equation to the conformal killing equation?

I am unable to obtain the conformal killing equation: $$2\kappa(x) \eta_{\mu\nu}= \partial_\mu \xi _\nu + \partial_\nu \xi_\mu\tag{1}$$ Theory: I understand that the conformal transformation is: $$...
user7077252's user avatar
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Importance of an extra total derivative term in Liouville theory

In this paper on boundary Liouville theory, the authors have introduced an extra term, $-\partial_{\sigma}^2\phi$, (the last term in the equation below) in defining the stress tensor of the Liouville ...
nGlacTOwnS's user avatar
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Computing the OPE of $T : \mathrm{e}^{ikX} : $ [closed]

I've hit a stumbling block where I'm just not seeing how to get from line to line in the following calculation from David Tong's strings notes. Can someone spell out how line 1 becomes line 2 in the $\...
Diffycue's user avatar
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OPE of normal ordered operators

In what follows I use $\mathcal{N}\{\ldots\}$ for normal ordering, $\langle\ldots\rangle$ for contraction and $\operatorname{Reg}\{\ldots\}$ for the complete sequence of regular terms which is ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Calculating OPE of Graviton Vertex Operator

Consider Exercise 2.8 in Polchinski's String Theory book. We are asked to compute the weight of $$f_{\mu \nu}:\partial X^{\mu} \bar{\partial}X^{\nu}e^{ik\cdot X}:$$ I have carried out the usual ...
combustion1925's user avatar
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Operator Dimension and Field Transformation under Rescaling

In conformal field theory the operator dimension $\Delta$ determines how fields and thus correlation functions behave under rescaling. I am having trouble seeing how this number arises from a scale ...
pill's user avatar
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How to derive the scale factor for special conformal transformation? [closed]

By definition a conformal transformation of the coordinates is an invertible mapping $x\rightarrow x'$ which leaves the metric invariant upto a scale factor: \begin{equation} g_{\mu\nu}'(x') = \...
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