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Are there introductory reviews of trans-Planckian physics and inflation? Looking for something similar to Daniel Baumann's cosmology notes

Are there introductory reviews of trans-Planckian physics and inflation? Looking for something similar to Daniel Baumann's cosmology notes - things are explained assuming minimal background.
32 votes
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Why is quantum gravity non-renormalizable?

The book The Ideas Of Particle Physics contains a brief treatment of quantum gravity, in which the claim is asserted that if one attempts to construct a model of gravity along the same lines as QED, ...
niels nielsen's user avatar
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How does the direction of time work with timeless wave functions?

In thermodynamical theory, if we have a set of states for example: A) gas all in top left corner of box. B) gas spread out near the left. C) gas spread out to fill entire box. We can give the ...
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Does quantum field theory need time?

I've been reading about quantum cosmology and how it doesn't have a universal time variable so-to-speak. Instead it uses certain fields as clocks with which to compare other fields. Now, it got me ...
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What is the interpretation of a wave function of the Universe in Hawking's no boundary proposal?

In the path integral formalism we have an in state $\Psi_{in}[\phi]$ and and out state and we find the amplitude for going from one to the other: $$\Delta[\Psi_{in},\Psi_{out}] = \int \Psi_{in}[\phi]...
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9 votes
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Dirac Equation in General Relativity

Dirac equation for the massless fermions in curved spase time is $γ^ae^μ_aD_μΨ=0$, where $e^μ_a$ are the tetrads. I have to show that Dirac spinors obey the following equation: $$(−D_μD^μ+\frac{1}{4}R)...
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8 votes
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Physical origin of the inflaton field?

I have two particular questions regarding the inflationary scenario. They are: What is the physical origin of the inflaton field? Why has the potential of the inflation field its particular form?
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