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QCD parton shower hard scale

Currently I'm studying parton showers from QCD and I'm having trouble with understanding how the hard scale $Q$ is related to the virtuality and energy of the parent parton. The Sudakov factor $\Delta(...
Jesse's user avatar
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Parton, detector and particle level at LHC [closed]

What is the difference between parton, detector and particle level in high energy physics? I found a similar question but I couldn't understand the explanation for detector and particle level given ...
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Parton Distribution Functions - Antiquarks?

In all the PDF plots that I have seen so far (e.g. Fig. $3$ and $4$) the PDFs for sea or charm quarks contained only the strange or charm quark, but not the $\bar{s}$ ...
Anonymous5638's user avatar
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Collinear factorisation in QCD: why can we multiply probabilities?

In the collinear factorisation equation for a QCD cross-section, schematically $$ \sigma_{AB\to X} = f^A_a \otimes \hat{\sigma}_{ab\to X} \otimes f^B_b , $$ we essentially convolute the probability ...
JCW's user avatar
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OPE leading twist = collinear factorisation?

The operator product expansion systematically expands QFT interactions in terms of a sum of local operators. Is the leading twist of this expansion identifiable with collinear factorisation and, if so,...
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Why are sea quarks dominant only at low value of the Bjorken $x$ variable?

In electron proton deep inelastic scatterings, the sea quarks or gluon PDFs are only dominant at low value of $x$. Thomson explained this in his book Modern Particle Physics (see page 194) by arguing ...
Hector's user avatar
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Textbook for parton distributions?

Are there any textbooks, or good pedagogical review articles, on the subject of parton distributions? I'm looking for such sources that cover all the standard topics, such as: Generalized parton ...
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Proton Structure and Parton Distribution Function

I recently read a question about whether photons, electrons, neutrinos... are a part of the proton since there are these sea-quarks he learned about. And the answers were confusing to me because the ...
AlmostClueless's user avatar
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Deriving Callan-Gross from Parton Model

I want to derive the Callan-Gross relation from the parton model, not fom the Rosenbluth and Mott cross sections, but I am having some problems obtaining the textbook result. I am following M.D. ...
Thomas Wening's user avatar
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Transverse momentum in partonic process $\gamma^\ast q\rightarrow qg$

Let $\hat{s}:=(q+p)^2$, $\hat{t}:=(k-p)^2$, $\hat{u}:=(p-p^\prime)^2$ be the Mandelstam variables of the partonic scattering process $\gamma^\ast(q) +q(p)\rightarrow q(p^\prime)+g(k)$, where the ...
Thomas Wening's user avatar
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How are the structure functions in Deep inelastic scattering measured?

I've been reading lots of different textbooks on the parton model and deep inelastic scattering and the discovery of quarks, and most of the time whenever I see a plot, it's about the measurement of ...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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Why is it that the Callan-Gross relation predicts that quark has spin 1/2?

I'm studying deep inelastic scattering, and currently at the part where they say the Callan-Gross relation: $$F_1 (x) = \frac{1}{2x} F_x (x)$$ where $F_1$ and $F_2$ are the dimensionless structure ...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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What are direct experimental evidences that quarks exist? [duplicate]

Now we have very established model of quarks explaining fundamental strong interaction. What are experimental proofs for existence of quarks and what is the name of physicist which made them?
coodan's user avatar
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Parton distribution function in terms of Fock space kets

To my understanding, I can (at least, formally) express the (unnormalized) PDF for a certain constituent of a composite state as $$ f(x)=f\left(\dfrac{k}{K}\right)=\sum_j m_j^{(k)}|\langle\psi_j^{(k)}|...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Integration of the splitting function

I have a problem performing the following integration provided in the paper by Catani and Seymour (arXiv: hep-ph/9605323) page 27. Given is the integral $$ \mathcal{V}=\int_0^1 (z(1-z))^{-\epsilon} \...
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