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Jensen's inequality on (super)operator exponential

Let us define the expectation value $\langle A\rangle_{\rho}$ of a superoperator $A$ over a density matrix $\rho$ as $(\rho, A(\rho))$, where the scalar product between operators reads $(O_1,O_2):= Tr[...
lgotta's user avatar
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Why does the finite trace of density matrix imply a discrete Schmidt decomposition? [closed]

In the paper defining an average Schmidt number for a particular entangled system, Law and Eberly say: Because density matrices always have finite trace, the Schmidt decomposition is always discrete, ...
Superfast Jellyfish's user avatar
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In what sense is the set of density matrices compact in infinite dimensions?

Consider a complex, infinite-dimensional and separable Hilbert space $H$ and let $\mathcal I(H)$ denote the space of trace-class operators. The set of density operators $$\mathcal S(H):= \{\rho\in \...
Tobias Fünke's user avatar
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Is the set of density matrices on a $d$-dimensional Hilbert space compact?

The set of the density matrices is a set with elements $\rho$ satisfying the following two conditions: $0\preceq \rho $ and $\mathrm{tr}\left( \rho \right) =1$. I wonder whether the set is compact?
narip's user avatar
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Mathematical definition of states in Quantum Theory

I was reading Valter Moretti's book on Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics, and saw 2 definitions of a quantum state: 1.Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space. A positive, trace-class linear map $\rho:...
ProphetX's user avatar
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Is the following map linear over the space of density matrices?

I have a map $\mathcal{N}$ from the space of two-qubit subnormalised density matrices $\mathcal{S}(\mathcal{H}_2 \otimes \mathcal{H}_2)$ to itself (positive operators with trace between 0 and 1). ...
bb2002's user avatar
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On the definition of the bosonic one-particle reduced density matrix

Consider the bosonic/fermionic Fock space $F^\pm:=\bigoplus\limits_{N=0}^\infty H_N^{\pm}$, where $H^+_N:=\vee^N \mathfrak h$ and $H^-_N:=\wedge^N \mathfrak h$ for some (complex, separable) one-...
Tobias Fünke's user avatar
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In what way is conditional quantum probability restrictive, and why?

This is close to a duplicate of but with a different emphasis. Unlike the mathoverflow equivalent, here I want to ask for your informed intuition as physicists. To ...
Mehmet Coen's user avatar
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What is density matrix in QFT?

In quantum mechanics exist fundamental object Density matrix. (See for introduction last chapter in Principles of Quantum Mechanics by David Skinner). Density matrix nesesary to describe systems even ...
Nikita's user avatar
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Post-measurement density matrix derivation

This is something standard, by I'm trying to redo this with spectral theory. Suppose we start with the usual postulates of quantum mechanics: States are unit rays on a separable Hilbert space. In ...
Gold's user avatar
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The role of $\dim H_n$ in the definition of asymptotically continous functions on vectors

When considering the asymptotic continuity of quantum states, one works with asymptoticallycontinuous functions. In the definition one has the following, a funtion $f$ is asymptotically cts if for a ...
East's user avatar
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Can one test an octonionic interpretation for a quantum-information conjecture, apparently valid in the real, complex and quaternionic settings?

For the values $\alpha = \frac{1}{2},1, 2$, corresponding to real, complex and quaternionic scenarios, the formulas (, eqs. (1)-(3)) \begin{equation} \label{Hou1} P_1(\...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Expression of density operator

States in Quantum Mechanics can be thought of as density operators, i.e., positive semi-definite, normalized trace class operators on a Hilbert Space $\mathcal{H}$. In the case $\mathcal{H}=\mathbb{C}^...
fmc2's user avatar
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Prove the solution of von Neumann equation will never stabilize if Hamiltonian and initial density matrix commutes

Given von Neumann equation $$\frac{d}{dt} \rho(t) = -i [H, \rho(t)] = -i e^{-iHt}[H, \rho(0)]e^{iHt}.$$ If we know that $[H, \rho(0)] \neq 0$, how do we prove in details the solution of von Neumann ...
Xingdong's user avatar
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Hilbert space for Density Operators (instead of Banach spaces)

Is it possible to construct a well defined inner-product (and therefore orthonormality) within the set of self-adjoint trace-class linear operators? In the affirmative case, dynamics could be analyzed ...
Alejandro D. Somoza's user avatar

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