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How is information defined when considering locality in quantum mechanics?

$\newcommand{\ket}[1]{|#1\rangle}$ My question is a follow-up from this discussion about the presence of non-local correlations in a theory that is deemed local. The first answer talks about the ...
UVcatastrophe's user avatar
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Is a super-deterministic universe local or nonlocal? [closed]

Bell predicted predetermined (nonlocal) choice as the criteria for a super-deterministic universe. ...our belief that we are free to choose to do one experiment rather than another, absolutely ...
Manuel Morales's user avatar
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What does it mean to say the universe is not locally real? [duplicate]

Pardon me if this is a naive question. What is difference between saying space-time is not locally real, and saying it is not real? The proposal that the universe is not locally real seems to imply ...
PeterJ's user avatar
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Don't Bell experiments rule out local non-realism too? [duplicate]

Bell experiments rule out local realism (hidden variables). But it seems to me that it also rules out local non-realism (no hidden variables). Local non-realism makes 2 claims; Two distant events can'...
Juan Perez's user avatar
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How does the many-worlds interpretation solve spooky action at a distance?

If we take the classic example of two particles that are entangled with up spin and down spin, and we separate these particles a few light years apart and then observe them one after the other, they ...
simon lombard's user avatar
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Many worlds is nonlocal too after all according to some physicists?

Not a physicist but I have understood that MWI is unique in that it preserves local dynamics. There is a wavefunction - not in spacetime but in some more abstract space. But the worlds with spacetime ...
J Kusin's user avatar
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Many Worlds locality and EPR experiment

I've read in Sean Carroll's book (Something Deeply Hidden) that the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics might be the only way to avoid instantaneous effects of entanglement, by having the ...
Thaps1's user avatar
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How is the non-local nature of quantum entanglement explained?

From what I understand, Einstein tried to introduce real but hidden variables to remove the apparent non-local nature of quantum entanglement, but Bell's inequality showed local realism isn't possible....
Manas Dogra's user avatar
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Don't these experiments suggest that locality has to be abandoned in the quantum realm?

First a quick recap because maybe my understanding/assumptions are flawed (you can jump to the question highlighted in bold below if you like to): Bell's inequalities require that an accurate(ly ...
mYnDstrEAm's user avatar
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Does Bell's theorem imply nonlocality using a false assumption? [closed]

In, the author concludes that Bell tests cannot refute local realism, because they employ a wrong analysis. He says: "The quantum joint prediction cannot be ...
Alex L's user avatar
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How does the EPE-DH interpretation of quantum mechanics account for interaction-free measurement?

The extended probability ensemble decoherent histories (EPE-DH) interpretation of quantum mechanics proposed by Murray Gell-Mann and James Hartle posits that there is one real fine-grained history of ...
DJames's user avatar
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How is no-conspiracy theory compatible with determinism? [closed]

Bell's theorem states that any physical theory that incorporates local realism and the no-conspiracy assumption cannot reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanical theory. Hence, we cannot ...
Bonj's user avatar
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Can someone clarify whether the recent experiment closing all remaining loopholes to Bell's Theorem really shut the door on local realism for good?

I saw this recent article on that purports to close all remaining loopholes that previous experiments on violations of Bell's inequality left open. My question is, does this really close the ...
Pete1187's user avatar
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Does the many worlds interpretation eliminate the spooky action at a distance paradox? [closed]

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm a novice at physics. I have read the article about entanglement and EPR paradox. The spin of two particles is measured when they are very far apart, and ...
John Henckel's user avatar
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Does quantum theory obey locality?

Bell's inequality together with the Aspect experiment shows that that we cannot have local realism. But does quantum theory obey locality? and if not how can locality be violated but not special ...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar

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